Part (18)

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Yn: I will wear your designed dress for my wedding. I want to go home now please.

Jk: Ok I'll call our driver...

Yn: No need. I can go by myself.


It's the night before your wedding but there is no sleep in your eyes. You decided to get some fresh air on the rooftop but you found Jin there. You slowly walked towards him with a smile on your face,

Yn: You haven't slept yet?

Jin: Umm no.

Yn: Why? I thought you're sleeping peacefully. Because I'm getting married tomorrow!

Jin: You’re the new bride to be, so you should sleep early. What are you doing here at this time?

Yn: Jin!

Jin: Hmm.

Yn: We still have time to fix our relationship. Everything will end tomorrow. We can't do anything even if we want because I'll get married to Jungkook.

Jin: There is nothing we can fix Yn. You should happily get married to him.

Yn: *sighs* So, this is your final decision?

Jin: 100% final. Now please go to sleep. From tomorrow you'll be someone else's wife. You have to look pretty on your wedding, right?

Your eyes filled with tears,
Yn: Hmm right. Bye.

You came back to your room & startled to see Jungkook sitting on your bed,

Yn: What are you doing in my room?

He came closer to you & started to wipe your tears while saying,
Jk: Why are crying? I hate tears in your eyes.

Yn: I'm not crying. Get away from me.

You ignored him & took out your pajamas from your cupboard,

Jk: Before you go to change I want to give you something.

Yn: What?

Jk: A pre wedding gift!

He gave you a small gift box.
Jk: You can open it after I'm gone from here. Good night.

After he left you opened the gift box & found a key with a small note,


Congratulations My Dear Wife, Mrs Jeon Yn. This is our new apartment's key. We will happily continue our married life with each other in this apartment. Can't wait to start a new journey with you!

Yn: What! A fucking new apartment? That means only me and him will stay in that apartment! But whyyy!!!

~next morning~

Finally It's your & Jk's wedding day. You only slept for 3 hours & woke up when Tae called you. He was sitting on a side of the bed,

Yn: Tae hyung? You’re up so early?

Tae: It's already 9 am Yn. I'm here to show you something.

Yn: What?

Tae: You should check today's newspaper. This motherfucker reporters started to report rubbish again!

Yn: What? Give me.

You started to read the headlines while rubbing your eyes,
Yn: 1. [ BTS' Jeon Jungkook is getting married to his makeup artist.]
2. [BTS' Jeon Jungkook dumped Lisa from Blackpink & getting married to an ordinary girl.]
3. [BTS' Jungkook's family will attend in their wedding?]
4. [Breaking all the millions heart BTS' Jungkook is getting married to his makeup artist.]

Yn: Wtf! Tae hyung. I think I'm committing a crime by marrying a celebrity!

Tae: There is another article. Wait I'll read it for you.

[ BTS' Jungkook is marrying his makeup artist. Whom he'll marry is still a mystery. We will see Mrs Jeon in their wedding for the first time. But there was a rumor that BTS' Jin also dated the same girl.]

Yn: Hyung please stop! This is really disgusting to hear!

Tae: Ok. I'm still thinking why Jungkook agreed to marry you against his family. What do you think? he loves you?

Yn: Maybe I'm just a obsession for him or maybe he really loves me! I don't know!

Tae: Hope he'll treat you better. Best of luck Yn.

Yn: Thank you so much hyung!

It's already evening. Your makeup artist & Jiho is arranging everything for the makeover. You came out of the washroom after getting a hot shower & saw a huge box in your room,

To be continued...


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