Part (52)

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Yn: My fear came true Jiho. My child has to grow up without his father.

Jiho: Stay strong my girl please.

You wiped your tears and took a few deep breaths to make yourself normal,

Yn: Wait a minute, how did he know where I'm staying? Does he spying on me?

Jiho: Yeah, I was also thinking the same. Yn, I'm really confused about your relationship with him. I mean why did he suddenly divorcing you? You used to say that he is treating you like a queen then...

Yn: Yeah he treated me like a queen but I forgot that kings need many maidservants to fulfill their needs.

~Next day~

Now it's 9 in the morning. You didn’t sleep all night thinking about the divorce. Jiho is still sleeping next to you on the bed. Suddenly the doorbell rings,

Jiho: Offo! Now who came at this time? I'll check.

Yn: No wait, you sleep. I'll go & check.

Jiho: Ok babes.

You went to open the door & saw Jungkook's brother is standing,

Yn: What are you doing here?

Jung-hyun: I came to meet you. Won't you call me in?

Yn: Of course. Come in.

He came inside & sat on the sofa directly,

Jung-hyun: Hmmm...Jin's house is really nice. He has a great choice in furniture.

Yn: How did you know this address? And what are you here for?

Jung-hyun: Well I came here to see how you & Jin are doing.

Yn: Can you please talk clearly? Why are you dragging Jin here?

Jung-hyun: *laughs weirdly* I'm dragging Jin? Girl, you dragged him in your married life & now you're acting like nothing happened?

Yn: Huh?

Jung-hyun: Do you know why Jungkook divorcing you?

Yn: No.

Jung-hyun: Because he got to know about your affair with Jin. He saw you both kissing at a local restaurant.

Yn: What!!!

He started to explain every single thing why does Jungkook want a divorce. Hearing his voice Jiho also came out of the room & heard everything. You were so shocked that you forgot to speak & became speechless,

Jung-hyun: I already knew that you are a characterless & shameless girl! If you are out of my brother's life, his life will be saved. Please sign on the papers asap.

Jiho: Hey you! Just stop talking nonsense about my friend ok.

Jung-hyun: Excuse me! Who are you?

Jiho: You don't have to know who I am. But let me tell you one thing, The girl you're calling characterless is now pregnant with your brother's child.

Yn: Jiho stop!

Jiho: No Yn. What do these two brothers think of themselves? They insult and say whatever they want, never thinking about how hurt the other person might be.

Jung-hyun: Wait a minute, Are you really pregnant?

Jiho: Yes she is. Now go & tell your fucking brother about that.

Jung-hyun: Why would I tell him? Who knows whose child is in her womb? What if he refuses to accept the child? Because he already thinks she's a characterless woman. I believe, the child is the product of her and that Jin's promiscuity.

The words coming out of his mouth started stabbing you in the chest. You screamed loudly when you can't stand it,

Yn: Stoooop!!! Please stop! You have insulted me enough now get out of here.

Jung-hyun: Ok. I hope you'll sign on the papers soon. Bye. See you at the court.
*he left*

Jiho: Yn are you ok?

Yn: For them I'm a characterless woman now. Ok fine. But Jiho, I came into Jk's life only a few months ago but Jin is with him for more than 13 years now. How did he distrust him?

Jiho: Listen to me and sign the divorce papers bestie. A man who doesn't trust you can never keep you happy.

Yn: I'm dead inside Jiho. I don't know what decision I should make. I never realized how narrow minded he is.

Jiho: I think you should talk with Jungkook because you can't make any decision just by listening to his brother.

Yn: I'll do what's next. Don't tell Jin anything about this.

Jiho: What? But why?

You didn’t say anything & went to your room. After locking the door you burst into tears,

To be continued...


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