Chapter- 15: Team of Terror

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"Team Rocket has attacked the ship. I repeat, Team Rocket has attacked the ship. Emergency! Everybody get away!" Shouted Surge.
He then ran up to Ash: "Red, you OK?"
Ash was soon joined by the Champions, the Elites, the Gym Leaders as well as Paul, Silver and Harrison.
"I'll handle Proton." Giovanni Shouted, "Just so you know... a powerful Psychic- Type Pokémon is reported to have just killed 200 passengers on board, including Robert Mazor, second- in- command at Devon Co, and ACE Trainer Mason. "
An Executive had appeared on board the SS Anne, called Proton. One of the known Executives of Team Rocket. Giovanni rushed off, leaving horrified silence in his wake.
"Good heavens!" Steven Shouted, "NO ordinary Pokémon can do that. It must be a Legendary. "
"Someone must get to the lifeboats. Someone must keep the Legendary distracted... and Someone must guard the passengers. Volunteers?" Asked Surge.
"The girls and me are going with the passengers... the Gym Leaders can guard the boats. Surge and Silver... you go scouting. " Steven told them.
"I'll handle the Legendary or... whatever. " Derrick interrupted, running.
"Uncle, wait-!"
Just then, as the designated people rushed off with the passengers, four other Executives rushed through. Jessie, James and a talking Persian, as also two people called Cassidy and... Butch (a.k.a. Bill, Ball, Badge, Burj, Butt, Biff, Boob, Boot, Bot, Birch, Bitch, etc.)
Jessie sent out a Dragonite, Arbok, Likitung, Houndoom and Alakazam.
James sent out an Aggron, Arcanine, Wheezing, Metagross and Gyrados. Cassidy sent out a Hypno, Houndoom, Raticate, Tentacruel and Charizard. Butch sent out an Aggron, Hitmontop, Mightyeana, Bisharp and Cloyster. Paul, Harrison and Drake engaged them. They were shortly defeated and routed.
"TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF!" Shouted the five, as along with Persian, they blasted off into the horizon.
Ash rushed to the deck, where Giovanni took out Proton's Dragonite.
"Charmander, use Flamethrower!"
Shouted Ash.
Proton was torched and blasted into the sea, dead long before he hit the water. Giovanni looked at him in shock before he quickly ran.
"Red, come along!" Shouted Giovanni as he ran down the deck towards the lifeboats.
Ash was about to check the lifeboats when he felt... Death. Like... a foreboding about Death.

"So, who are you? Show your face! How can you, a being of Legendary power, do such a thing? Ally with a Pathetic organization like Team Rocket?!"
Out of the shadows stepped a figure. A Pokémon. Eerily similar to Mew. But longer, more humanoid, and definitely not pink or playful. The very sight of the Pokémon froze Derrick's blood, sent icy chills down his spine. All his courage was gone. All that remained was a facade.
"All your courage is gone, I see. Well, Champion? Anything more to say... because I hardly get time to waste. "
Metagross hung suspended in the air, but not out of his own terms, but due to the Pokémon. The scream that escaped Derrick's lips was terrible. Metagross died horribly: first his legs were torn off, his brains melted out and torn apart... then finally, what remained crushed into a pile of scrap metal. Derrick's neck also snapped, and he collapsed: he hardly had Time to mourn.

Ash couldn't really take everything. He'd got his Pokéballs, his Pokémon, and a Zoroark he'd captured from Team Rocket. Also, his Pokédex, and $10000 in cash (in a waterproof, fireproof packet he kept for emergencies). That was about it, along with his journal, of course.
The bomb was about to burst.

"Garchomp, Draco Meteor!"
"Metagross, Meteor Mash!"
"Salamence, Draco Meteor!"
"Tyranitar, Hyper Beam!"
"Lapras, Ice Beam!"
"Electavire, Thunder!"
"Persian, Hyper Beam!"
"Gengar, Dream Eater!"
"Pidgeot, Brave Bird!"
The true horror began when the unknown Psychic- Type lifted a mere finger. And everything stopped dead.
"Power isn't cut out for you fools. You don't have versatility. Not in the slightest. But I'm a fast learner. What was the attack? Draco Meteor?"
Everyone was in horror. They had an inkling what the Legendary- level Pokémon was about to do.
"Derrick Stone is dead. And now... you'll all die. Fitting, isn't it?"

"Ah- sal- hon! Ax- al- Jon!" Called Ash... a last resort.
They had to be saved, even though such a mistake could cost him his life.
Just then, the bomb exploded.
Ash fell off the ship into the water.

They felt it. The call. True names had been taken. It wasn't for ambition... that King Dragonite knew. Salvation. Or Ax- al- Jon wouldn't be called.
A little below the depths, six pairs of red eyes snapped open. A huge figure rose from the surface.
As the Legendary rose to destroy each of them... a giant Dragonite attacked. Worse... a Hydreigon of majestic and colossal proportions attacked the Legendary.
Then Giovanni remembered: "RED!"

(A/N: 1. Yes, Ax- al- Jon is a King Hydreigon. This radically changes the tale of the seven Monarchs. I already made changes, why not more?
2. Proton is dead. I got an Executive killed simply to draw attention to Ash from Team Rocket.
3. Ash captured a Zoroark. Eight Pokémon there.
4. This is a story with a darker plot. Imagine Jessie, James, Butch and Cassidy working as Executives together. As efficient, competent ones. James brought Growlie back, and Meowth evolved. Important to the story.)

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