Chapter- 35: Darkest Day and Darkest Night

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Yesterday night, the world was shaken by the terrorist attacks in the Indigo Plateau, leaving 19000 dead and 26000 injured.
The attacks, led by Executives of Team Rocket, targeted key military bases throughout Kanto and Johto and disabled more than 35% of their armies. Grand Executive Pierce passed on a statement from Team Rocket shortly after.
The Supreme Leader seems to have commented that it was a casual attack and more would follow. Through Pierce, he announced Operation: Flash Flood.
Champion Lance Wataru was unavailable for comment. However, League President Goodshow spoke at the United Regions. He announced that steps to counter Team Rocket were being taken to end their threat.
Team Rocket also revealed that they had a small army. An investigation is being conducted to reveal the mystery behind the private army of Team Rocket.

Professor Samuel Oak cursed as he lowered the newspaper and looked at Ash. Ash had already read the article, and he was livid. The aged ex- Champion and Regional Professor was well aware what Ash Ketchum was capable of when he was angered. Ash might just destroy Team Rocket and their families just out of pure spite.
"So... Ash. The Battle Tower. Weren't you...?"
"Yes. But wait... what's Team Rocket aiming for?"
"Ash, I-"
"Don't give me that crap, old man. I know you're pretty high up in the League. It's impossible for you to not know what the League does."
"It's classified, Ash. "
"And I've been in plenty of classified events till date. I'm already on their radar. There's nothing between this. "
"I said it's classified, Ash!"
"Fine. If you want to get me killed, do it."
Saying these words, Ash stormed out of the room, furious that the man he had looked up to as a grandfather would withhold something from him. Oak collapsed into a chair, looking every bit his age.

"Fine. The League has intercepted information concerning a project called White Death. I don't know if you know about it... or maybe not. That's what I do know. Apparently, the Psychic- Type Legendary Pokémon is a clone of the Legendary Mew and is called Mewtwo."
Ash stared: "You mean it's confirmed as a member of Team Rocket?"
Oak looked at him strangely: "I'd prefer to call it a partner, Ash. You can't capture Legendary Pokémon unless they're willing. Or unless you're one of the ancient Pokémon Trainers. That was power. Today's Trainers, except maybe the Champions, are cannon fodder. That's all I know. "
"Alright. Mewtwo is out to destroy me. I know it."
"Speaking of that, there was a hush- hush incident. Spacecraft on the way to the moon recorded several Legendary Pokémon fighting in space. I don't know why. I can't get any information. "
That interested Ash: "A Legendary Pokémon civil war could mean disaster."
"That's why we want to locate the cause and put an end to this mischief. "
Ash suddenly had a lot to think about.

"The Battle Tower, Ash... is for every region. There are seven floors per Tower. In each Battle you face a challenge. The entire point of the Battle Tower is to defeat you, by any means possible. So look out for underhanded tactics. "
"Is there anyone who can defeat the Battle Tower?"
"Of course, Ash... There are quite a few. Those Trainers are known as the Elite Four. "

(A/N: 1. Team Rocket is being portrayed as a proper terrorist organization rather than the usual crap.
2. Oak tells him all: The Mewtwo, as well as the entire Legendary civil war thing, which was actually recorded.
3. You finally know what the Battle Tower is.)

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