Chapter- 48: The Beginning

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Ash woke up, still half knocked out from the terribly high intake of liquor. The first thing he remembered from the previous day was the Semi- Final match, where he had revealed Garchomp and Metagross. Astrid had taken down his Aerodactyl and Garchomp, two of his strongest. She seemed to have that Mega Evolution phenomenon as well. Her Mega Absol had to be Elite Four level at least, because of the impossible double knockout with Aerodactyl. Meowstic, Milotic, Dragonite, Greninja and Vaporeon- a very good combination. She had overwhelmed him with Type Advantage against Garchomp, but then Metagross ripped her team apart.
It was a meaningful Battle, but it was too short for him to describe. What he could describe, however, was the pleasurable sensation he felt on his cock, the sensation of a wet tongue moving across it, making slurping noises. Seeing a naked beauty expertly sucking it, her own eyes shining with lust, her platinum hair tickling his thigh, her body shining with sweat, her mouth expelling hot air and making his crotch, if possible, even harder.
Ash continued to enjoy Astrid's mouth as he contemplated what Pokémon to use in the final match, against Silver Sakaki, Giovanni's son.

"Grand Executive, we're approaching the Indigo Plateau. We'll be soon in Indigo City, and all the major targets are in range. Almost every one of the Elite Four and Champions, along with important Regional Professors and Gym Leaders, will be present. They're about to begin this match. We're ready. Ash Ketchum and his ilk will be vaporized. "
Grand Executive Pierce looked sharply at Commander Tyson. He knew that the man had a good bit of skill. He had already taken it upon himself to recommend Commander Tyson's promotion to Executive, bypassing the Supreme Field Agent rank. If the mission, probably the biggest in thirty years, failed, the Supreme Executive would be reprimanded, as it was all his idea. If it succeeded, Pierce himself would receive points for his brilliant execution. Either way, he would be on- course to become the next Supreme Leader of Team Rocket.
As he saw... it was an impressive sight. Gunships, jets and carriers flew, carrying men, tanks, armoured vehicles, equipment and supplies. They were backed by men and drones. Together, it was a beautiful sight, an army going to war. Pierce allowed himself to smile, in a most sinister manner.

Dressed to kill, in a Pokémon League T- shirt, black leather jacket and jeans, Ash walked out onto the stadium. He even had his black and blue Pokémon League hat on, along with his father's favorite gold watch (he had no idea who his father was, except that he had a fondness for these watches), and red sneakers.
Silver Sakaki was Giovanni's son, someone who had almost defeated Elite Four Lorelei an year ago. He, with his trusty Salamence, was the final obstacle against the Elite Four.
Sakaki was standing on the other side of the stadium, and the MC was about to announce the beginning of the match when the bombs fell.

(A/N: 1. First of all, this sets up Silver as Giovanni's son, and a character. We've only seen a few glimpses of him, and now we're going to see more of him.
2. Cliffhanger moment: The Attack has begun. Team Rocket is finally making their long- awaited bid for power.
3. Yes, you're correct if you think that there are power struggles in Team Rocket. The power struggle between Pierce and the Supreme Executive might remind you of the rivalry in Star Wars, between Tarkin and Krennic.)

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