Chapter- 40: The League is on

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"The Indigo League of this year will be slightly different. The top 256 Trainers had been Chosen and registered for competition in the League. First comes the Qualifier round, in which 128 Trainers progress. Next comes the Final Qualifier Round, in which 64 Trainers shall progress. Next, the Post- Qualifier Round, filtering things down to 32 Trainers. The Mid- Round will bring it down to sixteen. The Pre- Quarter- Final brings it down to eight, the Quarter- Final to four, the Semi- Final to two and the Final to one. The winner will be awarded a lot of things. Only things: this tournament will be completely a no- swap League. "
Ash looked at the scoreboard. Having registered 145th, his name was down there. This was good. A no- swap League would teach him a thing or two.

"Our spies in the League will provide us all the information we require. Security is our chief priority as of now: Security of Team Rocket information. We all know, I believe, that Mewtwo is key to our future plans, Zager. "
"I'm well aware. Are the bombs planted?"
"No, no. It takes time. However, it seems that this Ash Ketchum, the main threat to our rule, has done what we wanted to do. It's most important that we continue. The pieces are all arranged. "
"Half the Champions and Elite Four in the world come to see the match. Plus many Gym Leaders and even Regional Professors and Corporate Heads."
"So, I assume the raid will be as planned. "
"Well, considering that the Supreme Leader can't stand failure, it's highly unlikely-"
"Stop questioning my authority, you fool."
"You know what, Zager. "
Zager wisely shut up as Pierce mounted another jet and took off from the building.
He then mounted a helicopter himself.

At the same time, Champion Lance Wataru was striding down the League HQ to visit Goodshow before the show began and tell him that Moltres was missing. Moltres had been stolen by unknown people.
"Hello, Lance. What brings you here, my friend?"
"I'm afraid to tell you that the flames of Moltres, a key component of the League beginning, was stolen. It's most probably the work of Hunter J, but I'm not sure. "
"What?! No! This will be highly detrimental to the League! We'll be laughed out of government. "
"We don't care about you bureaucrats! The flames are the most important. We lose them...! It's going to be able to capture Moltres. A single Legendary in the hands of criminal organizations is going to be devastating. "
"Lance! How could you speak to me like that? I didn't do anything!"
"Enough of this, you old donkey! Act like nothing happened! We'll bring those criminals to justice shortly. We can't let this get out.  The military must act quickly. "
"Military? No, I oppose this move. The military get involved for a single Legendary Pokémon? Madness!"
"Then... very well. I'm the one who's the real Leader of the military and the G- Men. You've been terminated, Goodshow. "
Lance shot Goodshow in the chest, killing him immediately.

"Team Rocket has killed Charles Goodshow, leading to a declaration of Emergency in all the Regions. Considering that the civilian Leader of the League is dead, it has to be the work of the military Leader to take over. Team Rocket will be hunted down and criminal activities all accounted for. "
Meanwhile, Ash Ketchum gazed at the television screen, his face betrayed nothing. Finally, he spoke.
"So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause. "

(A/N: 1. We finally figure out what Team Rocket wants to do this time. Can Ash and his friends save the day?
2. Lance Wataru presents a new dimension. He blames Team Rocket and uses it to maintain his dictatorship as President of the Pokémon League. More like the military dictators who overthrow people in coups.
3. Finally, the long- awaited Indigo League begins. What will happen, and will Ash win it? This is the most important question. )

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