Anxiety Attack-Agent00

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Y/Ns Pov

I was outside hanging out with Chris and Davis as we shot the 3 basketballs we had around and had music playing from the outdoor speaker. It was a vibe until I felt a vibration in the left pocket of my leggings. "Chris can you turn the music off real quick?" I asked Chris as he nodded turning it off as I answered my boyfriend's phone call.

"Y/N C-can you c-come here p-please" I heard Agent say over the phone. "Yeah baby i'm on my way." I said to Agent ending the call. "oh shit" I said starting to walk away. "what's wrong?" davis asked "I think Agent's having an anxiety attack." I told them running into the house and up to Agents room, opening the door slowly to not freak him out anymore than he already is.

I walk in to the room seeing Agent on the floor having trouble breathing. He looks up at me as I grab his hand. "Okay baby i'm gonna need you to try and breathe, I know it's gonna be hard but I need you to try and i'm gonna do it with you" I told him as he just looked at me.

"Okay inhale 1,2,3" I said inhaling watching his chest as he inhaled. "okay exhale 1,2,3." I said watching his chest as he exhaled. I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles because that normally calms him down and I helped him breathe doing the 1,2,3 method.

He's almost fully calmed down, his breathing is doing good, and he isn't shaking anymore. "Okay baby one more time." I said as he nodded breathing in and exhaling fully calming down.

"That was so good baby good job." I said praising him for breathing in and out because it's really hard to do that when you're having an anxiety attack.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?" I asked him. "Baby if i'm gonna be honest I drank 2 ghost energy's which I think lead to that." He said referring to his anxiety attacks.

He stared at the wall for a minute until I saw a tear come out of each eye. "aww baby what's wrong." I asked him as I stood up helping him up slowly.

"I don't know mama." He said wrapping his arms around my waist slowly as I wrapped mine around his neck resting my head on his shoulder taking in his embrace. We broke the hug as he connected our lips and we kissed for 10 seconds before he broke it.

"Do you wanna go downstairs baby." I asked him as he nodded. I grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers as we walked downstairs together to the living room where Chris and Davis now where.

They looked at me wondering if I was right about the anxiety attack. I nodded as both of their eyes softened going on their phones. "Agent do you want something to eat baby." I asked him as he followed me around like a lost puppy.

"I'm good mama can we just watch a movie on the couch or sum." He said as I nodded and we walked over to the couch. Chris and Davis looked up at us. "Hey do you guys wanna watch a movie with us." I asked as they both nodded putting their phones down as them and Agent picked out a movie I played with his dreads watching him go through movies on the tv.

I looked at him seeing a concentrated face on while he tried to find a movie for us to watch. I smiled kissing his temple and sat back on the couch.
613 words!!

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