Cant sleep?-Agent00

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Hey Y/N do you want
to come over later and
bake cookies with us for
a video?

Yeah sure i'll come over
right now

Okay see you in a little

As I left Kai on read I got up getting dressed, heading out to my car. The AMP house was only a 15 minute drive from my house so I would get there quickly.

As I typed in the code to the gate around the AMP house I also texted Kai that I was here so he could come open the door for me. He responded okay and as I pulled into the driveway I saw him open the door and smile.

I got out of the car waving at him smiling. "Hey Kai" I said walking to him and once I got close enough he gave me a hug. "Hey Y/N how have you been" Kai asked. "Good, how about you" I asked. "Good" he responded before stepping out of the house and closing the door behind us a little but it was still available to push open.

"Are you ready to bake some cookies!!" I said excitingly as Kai's smile dropped, mine dropped seeing his face and my anxiety rose.

"Okay so um I lied we're not baking cookies but I need your help with something" He said making me even more nervous. "Um okay what is it?" I questioned as he looked around real quick looking back at me.

"So um Agent hasn't been sleeping a lot and I think he's the most comfortable with you out of all of his friends so I think maybe he can sleep if your there with him" Kai spoke as my eye softened hearing my best friend in AMP wasn't able to sleep.

"Yeah I will definitely help, do you know where he is?" I asked thinking of ways I can help. "Um he's either in the kitchen with Duke and Fanum or in the living room with Chris" Kai said as I nodded following Kai into the house.

We walked into the kitchen first not seeing him but Duke and Fanum both saw us. "Oh hey Y/N" Duke spoke as Fanum turned around smiling at me. Fanum stuck his hand out for me to dab him up which I did and Duke gave me a hug.

"Do you guys know where Agent is?" I asked breaking out of the hug with Duke. "Yeah he's in the living room" Fanum answered as I nodded smiling at them.

I walked down the hallway into the living room seeing Agent and Chris. Chris turned his head when he heard footsteps. "Y/NN hey" "Hey Chris" I told him giving him a side hug sitting in between him and Agent.

"Hey Agent" I softly spoke putting my hand on his back rubbing circles, he looked up from his hands softly smiling at me. "Hey Y/N" When he looked at me I examined his face seeing deep purple eye bags.

I leaned forward giving him a hug as he wrapped his arms around me. I felt him let out a breath and rest his head on my shoulder as I kept rubbing his back.

"Hey I heard you haven't been sleeping are you okay" I whispered to him as he just looked at me with soft eyes shaking his head no.

"I'm kinda tired now Y/N" he told me as I smiled at him putting his head back on my shoulder.

"Do you wanna go to your room?" I asked him as he nodded his head getting up with a groan and putting his hand out for me to grab.

I grabbed his hand walking with him to his room. I quickly looked at Chris who was now with Kai and they both smiled at me and gave me thumbs up.

I followed him to his room as we both laid down on his bed. We got under the covers as he moved his head to my chest. I traced lines down his back as he started breathing a little slower. "Thank you Y/N" he whispered before falling asleep.

"Youre welcome" I whispered back before also closing my eyes feeling tired.
707 words!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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