I love you alot-Fanum

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Y/Ns Pov

I don't know what came over my body for me to be in my car driving to the AMP house right now but here I am in their driveway with teary eyes and empty thoughts. I was having a bad day, the type of day when if someone asked me if I was okay I would breakdown crying. The type of day that if someone asked me what happened, I wouldn't be able to tell them because I would feel stressed and depressed just thinking about it.

"Hey Y/N what's up" Fanum said in a lazy voice as he answered the phone. "what time is it" he asked obviously being waken up from sleep. "It's 4am" I answered sniffling while tears are running down my face.

"Sorry for calling you right now but i'm in your driveway and i've had a real shitty day so can you let me in please" I said quietly sitting in my car waiting for his response.

"Yeah, i'll be down in a minute" He responded hanging up the phone as I stared out the front window waiting to see him at the door. The door slowly opened seeing a tired Fanum yawning and rubbing his eyes. I got out of the car walking to my bestfriend who was waiting for me at the front door.

When I got close enough he hugged me tightly around my waist, picking me up and bringing me to the couch.

Once we reached the couch he sat down placing me on his lap looking at him. "You okay?" He asked as I looked at him responding honestly "no". "Do you want to talk about it?" He quietly asked looking into my eyes. "no" I answered again as he nodded looking around making sure none of the boys woke up.

I hugged him around his neck putting my head onto his shoulder letting the tears fall on his shirt which he didn't seem to mind as he wrapped one arm around my waist tightly and he used the other to rub circles on my back.

"Let's go on a drive, it'll clear your head, I do it all of the time to clear mine" Fanum spoke. I nodded getting off of his lap following him to his car.

We walked outside to his car as he unlocked it and walked over to the passenger door holding it open for me. "Thank you" I said kissing his cheek before entering the car. He closed my door and walked to the drivers seat starting the car.

"I'm sorry for waking you up" I said while he pulled out of the driveway. "You don't need to be sorry, i've been where you are, I have bad days too" He spoke driving the car going 30 mph on a street with no other cars driving right now. "I'm really glad you came to me, it makes me feel like you trust me" He said smiling looking over at me before looking back at the road.

"Am I the person you would go to?" I asked. "Like how you came to me?" he asked back. "Yeah" I responded. "Yeah you are" he smiled talking to me as the tears began to stop and I smiled slightly.

He brought his hand up to hold me with still driving with the other hand. "Hold it or it's going back on the wheel" He said as I put my hand into his and he intertwined our fingers looking ahead.

"Do you ever get scared you're gonna lost someone" I said looking down at his thumb that was rubbing over the hand I was holding. I didn't think before I spoke asking that question but after it came out of my mouth I was curious for his answer.

"All of the time" he admitted doing a U-Turn driving back down the same street. "The boys in AMP and you. I don't know what I'd do without any of you guys. Is that what this is about?" He said referring to why I was upset. I didn't answer right away, his question making me more emotional, because that is kind of what I am upset about

"I don't know" My voice cracked and he turned to me as my eyes were producing tears again, "Fanum I don't know. Do you ever need to tell someone anything so fucking badly that it's eating you up inside?" I asked as he pulled the car over next to some random house, unbuckled his seatbelt, and leaned over to hug me understanding what I was going through.

Let it out then" His voice was soft, welcoming and judgement free "Whatever it is, you can tell me." He said.

"I don't want to lose you" My tears soaked into the shirt he was wearing as I gripped his shirt tighter, "I can't lose you Fanum."

"'Ma, you're not gonna lose me I promise" He pulled away from the hug and pushed some hair out of my face that was sticking to me. "Look at me" he said. I took my eyes off of the road in front of us and looked into his eyes. "Whatever it is. You are not going to lose me." I took a deep breath and tried to relax. I had to tell him, I couldn't keep holding these emotions in.

"I love you" I spoke, "That's what's bothering me Fanum. I love you." He didn't respond right away, which made my stomach do somersaults and I got really nervous, "and I wasn't sure at first and I was scared you wouldn't feel the same," I began rambling, "And if you don't that's okay, just tell"

"Y/n, breathe" He said, his thumb now tracing my skin, "Breathe." he said calmly again. I closed my eyes to take a deep breath, doing my best to get rid of the tears. I expected him to tell me he loved me only as a friend and that's it, but he didn't. His forehead rested against mine and in one swift motion our lips grazed over each others.

"I love you too," His spoke against my lips so softly and so quietly it took me a second to process them. When I did, I smiled so big as the gap between us closed and he kissed me. As we separated, he kept one hand on my cheek, his eyes scanning over my whole face before speaking, "Like, really, really, really love you." "I love you a lot" He said getting it off of his chest which made them both happier.

"I love a lot, too." It felt so nice knowing that the feelings were mutual, "Why have you never told me?" I asked as he put the car in drive and pulled back onto the road.

"If you didn't feel the same, I didn't want to lose you as a friend," He explained, "I'd rather suppress my feelings than lose you completely."

"You'll never lose me, Fanum," I promised. I knew our drive was coming to an end when I saw the AMP house out the front window.

Well, as my girlfriend you're kinda stuck with me now" He chuckled to himself and I raised my eye up brow at him, "What?" He asked, pulling into his driveway and putting his car in park.

"Do it right." I told him getting out of the car. His footsteps quickly caught up to me and I took the house keys from him, unlocking the front door so we could go inside.

"Do what right?" He asked following me into the house.

"Ask me," I said like it was obvious turning towards him, "Y/n L/n, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked as I smiled at him

"Wow I thought you'd never ask!" I gasped and he laughed at my reaction, "I'd be honored to."

"You're ridiculous" He continued to laugh to himself and shake his head as he walked towards his room " Are you coming?"

"To?" I asked, still standing in the same spot.

"Sleep, stupid," He turned around and walked backwards up the steps with a smark on his lips as he did. "Woah Woah Woah who are you calling stupid?" I asked following him. "Sorry, Mama are you coming" I nodded following him to his room smiling.

I got the most peaceful sleep i've ever gotten. I guess all I needed was to cuddle with my favorite person, who I love a lot.

1417 words!!

who do y'all want in the next chapter and suggestions for the person you want🫶🫶

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