Rehab | 018

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                                Priah's POV

I've been dreading today since I woke up. I went to rehab a few years ago and it helped, but I didn't have Billie at that time. Being away from her is gonna be hard, we haven't gone even like 3 days apart since we  first hung out.

Liam's too young to visit at the facility, but my mom's going to try to visit as much as she can. My car is completely totaled, so I'll have to buy a new one once I get out. That, of course, is if I can even afford one.

Valentina came to visit at the hospital today since she's been busy and it's been great to be with her. I haven't seen my best friend in a while.

"I'm really proud of you for getting help, Pri." Val tells me and I smile.

"Thanks, V." I say. "It shouldn't be too much hopefully. " I sigh.

"Didn't you say it's also like a psych ward, too?" She asks me.

"Well, not exactly a psych ward, it's much different, but they also work on mental health there as well." I explain and she nods.

"So, how are things with Billie?" Val asks with a smirk and I laugh.

"Things are really good. I've never felt this happy with anyone before and she's been super helpful to me recently with everything going on." I smile. "I really love her. I know it's soon, but I've also literally loved her since I was 15, so now I get to really love her." I say and she laughs.

"I'm really happy for you." She tells me before she leans in to hug me, being careful of my arm and rib.

"Thank you!" I smile at her.

"I'm sorry, Pri, I gotta get going, but I'm gonna try to visit you as much as possible while you're in rehab, okay?" Valentina tells me as she gets up from my bed and I nod. "I love you!" She says.

"I love you too!" I say and she waves before walking out of the room and running into Billie. "Oh, hey, Billie." I hear her say. They exchange a few more words that I can't make out before Val walks out of sight to the elevator.

Billie walks in and smiles. "Hey, pretty girl. How you feeling?" She asks as she sits down on the bed and lays next to me.

Without saying anything, I just hug her and bury my head into her chest. "Pri, what's wrong?" B asks me.

"I don't wanna leave you or my family." I mumble as I hold onto her.

"Baby, you're not leaving us. You're just going to get help for a little while. I've literally made sure I have time for the next few weeks to visit you every day." Bil says.

"B, you didn't have to do that." I say to her in awe. She's such a sweetheart.

"But I did. You're important to me and I'm going to make sure you don't feel lonely when you're there." She smiles.

"I love you, Bil." I tell her.

"I love you too, Pri."

She leans in and plants a kiss on my lips and we both pull away with smiles.

The door swings open and my mom and Liam walk in. "Alright, honey, the doctor is coming up with your discharge papers in a minute and then we can head out. Billie, did you pack up all your stuff?" She asks Billie and she nods. "Great."

"Billie, where's Finny?" Liam asks her. That's all he calls Finneas now and he loves him a lot. Finn's girlfriend, Claudia, came to visit a few times at the hospital. Once when I was in my coma, twice when I was awake. She's really sweet, too.

"He's home today, buddy. I can take you over there sometime or we can come to your house so you guys can hang out again sometime, alright?" She tells him, crouching down to his level. (Which there isn't much for her to crouch down to, she's short as fuck.)

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