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FATHER DAUGHTER time is great. I love spending alone time with Storm, pushing her on the swing, swimming with her while she wears her dinosaur bathing suit. But I miss doing those things as an entire family.

Bella should hopefully be back soon. Gunner will be here sometimes. And if we stay on track we should all be back home in no time.

"Just another two weeks," Bella told me, "I'm probably gonna end up back home and then I'll find a flight to Vancouver," she explains, "I'm stuck with the most immature band I've ever worked with, like IMMATURE."

"Define immature," I say.

"Well," she quiets down, "the other day Slash walked in on James fucking a groupie on Slash's bed."


"Yeah and he was just saying 'that'll be fine,' the entire time," she says.

"That's definitely something," I shake my head, "I've probably done that before."

"Wouldn't be surprised."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" I ask pretending to be offended.

"LETS TALK Camus," Dylan says as I'm filling out some paperwork on the bus.

"We've talked Camus," I say, "let's pick someone else."

"Then who?" He asked.

"How about," this was a hard one, "Sylvia Plath."

Sylvia Plath was brilliant in my opinion. One of my favorite quotes from her was from the only novel she ever wrote. The Bell Jar.

"I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree from the story. From the tip of every branch, a wonderful future beckoned and winked..." she goes through every future she saw on each fig. A husband and children, a famous poet, a professor.

For quite some time I thought of my life like this. She implies she could only have one of these futures, it was one or the other. When Tim died I thought I wasn't going anywhere, I thought I was just going to have to live a boring life, the same life everyone else lives.

Later on in life I realized, I could live at least a little bit of every branch. I could tour but still have a husband and kids. Continue to do what I love while also showing my family how much I love them.

Again, it the book was published in thirty years ago. A time when women were still only housewives and had a hard time getting jobs.

"What about her?" Dylan asks making me remember we were even talking in the first place.

"Let's just talk about Voltaire!"
We got to our destination and started to set up and once we finished I laid down in the Green Room.

Slash came in and picked up some food, "hey."

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