Chapter 1 - Time For A Proper Hogwarts Welcome

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After Professor Weasley helped me find my way to the Slytherin Common room, I decided to take a look around the Common Room. I noticed people were staring at me, they knew I was the new fifth year. As I was looking around, I came across a girl named, Imelda Reyes. She seemed to playing wizard chess with a Slytherin student.

"Oh, so you're Angela Lestrange, the new Slytherin that barged in with Professor Fig," Imelda says. "I heard what happened. Honestly I could've lured that dragon away with my legendary skills on a broomstick if I was there with you."

"Well... we did handled it. A broom would've been kindling," I tried to make a joke.

"Maybe someday I could teach you bout flying," she smirked.

"You seemed to be good at wizard chess, you knew that boy would've lost."

"It wasn't even that challenging to begin with. Their moves are always so obvious," Imelda rolled her eyes a bit.

Imelda Reyes seems to be a competitive person. Although she does also seem to have little patience.

"If you want to talk to somebody else, I would suggest you to talk to Sebastian Sallow over there reading by the fireplace," she pointed at the guy with freckles, and brown hair.

"Thank you Imelda." I walked over to the boy she was talking about.

The boy took a glance of me then put his book down. "Could I help you?" He raised an eyebrow. "Oh wait, you're the new fifth year aren't you?"

"Indeed I am," I nodded.

"My name is Sebastian Sallow. Welcome to Slytherin. And you are...?"

"Angela Lestrange."

"I didn't know anyone can have a ministry escort to school, that's impressive" he chuckled.

Okay, so this boy seems like a very charming person I should say. "Well not as impressive when we got attacked."

He was glad to hear that me and Fig were alright. He then asked me how we had escaped. I told him that was all a blur. I know it wasn't merely true. I took a quick look at the book that Sebastian was reading from the distance. I was curious what he was reading before.

"What book were you reading?" I asked him.

Sebastian told me that it was a spell book he picked up. "You know not every spell you need is in our assigned textbooks..."

Was he saying that some spells aren't taught at Hogwarts? "What do you exactly mean by that...?"

He chuckled. "You seem like a very kindred spirit I should say, but let's save this conversation in another time..."

Damn... I needed to know what he was trying to say. "Well, it was nice knowing you, Sebastian."

"It was nice knowing you too, Angela. Perhaps I'll see you later," He smiled.

I began to walk away as Imelda pops in. "So... what did you think about Sebastian? Is he charming?" She laughed.

"He's... alright," I'm still curious about he said before. Was he talking about unforgivable spells? I know I've heard about them... considering the fact that my older brother was associated to it.

"So who else do you want to talk to?" Imelda asked.

"I don't know," I muttered.

"Well maybe you should talk to Sebastian's friend, Ominis. He's over there by the window," she pointed at the guy with blonde hair. "Oh and just so you know, he's blind but he uses his wand to see things."

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