Chapter 6 - The Restricted Section

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Walking down the stairs, Sebastian was there leaning his back against the railing and putting his elbows on it. The look on his face, he seemed excited to see me. "Well well well, if it isn't my friend Angela Lestrange," he smirked at me. I still don't exactly know why he wants me to go to the restricted section of the library with him though. But I hope I can find something interest about Ancient Magic. First, he wanted me learn the Disillusionment charm. A charm that's used to turn yourself slightly invisible but not as foolproof as a cloak. He watches as I cast the Disillusionment charm.

"Do you think we'll get caught?" I worried.

"I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you're sneaky and quiet as a little spider," Sebastian chuckled. He warned me about the prefects roaming around outside the library. "But make sure those annoying prefects don't rat on us to Scribner, the librarian."

"Do you think she's at the library?" I asked.

"Usually, she's would be gone already." As I quite remember, he did have some quite beef with the librarian. Him and I both used the Disillusionment charm to avoid any the prefects. We walked past by the prefects who were busy muttering, gossiping and chatting. Without getting caught, we arrived the locked door.

Alohomora. Sebastian casted a charm to unlock the door. He gently opens the door and we went in. Right about then, Scribner was the desk.

We were still in our Disillusionment charm. "What the hell-? YOU TOLD ME SHE WOULD'VE BEEN GONE BY NOW!" I whispered a little loud as I vaguely punched his shoulder.

"I SAID USUALLY!" He whispered. "Quickly behind the bookcase...!" Sebastian held one of my wrist and pulled me behind a bookcase.

We both uncasted the Disillusionment charm. We carefully watched the librarian trying to figure out a way to get inside the restricted section. Right then, my stupid hand had knocked over a book by accident which made a loud thud.

"ANGELA!" Sebastian whispered a loudly. He held my wrist and dragged me to another section between the bookcases.

"SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO-" I paused for a moment when Sebastian slightly pushed me against the side of the bookcase from the opposite of the open area, and then covered my mouth with his cold hand.

"Shh.. you don't want us to get caught do you?" Sebastian whispered in my ear.

"Who's there?!" Scribner spoke.

I was panicking by the thought of us getting caught. Sebastian tried to reassure me, but his hand was still covering my mouth. The look in his dark brown eyes, it didn't look like he was either scared, or mad, or happy. It was just looking straight to my eyes and I was looking straight into his. My heart was pounding. I was still a little panicked when he was close. I heard the librarian's footsteps walking back and forth, but still didn't catch us. I started panicking even more but Sebastian stepped at least a few inches close.

"We'll be okay Angela..." He whispered. I heard the librarian go back to her desk.

"I think we're clear."

"You know that desk over there right? There should be a key to the restricted area." Sebastian pointed at the librarian's desk.

"Why can't we just use the Alohomora charm?" I wondered.

"Scribner casted the anti-alohomora charm on the lock because she knew I knew how to get in."


"Don't worry, I distract her and you get the key," he nodded. "Good luck."

I casted the Disillusionment charm again and waited for Sebastian to create a distraction. A sudden boom came from a distance. I'm pretty sure that was him.

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