Chapter 16 - Feldcroft

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The next day I met up with Sebastian and Ominis outside of the clocktower. Thankfully we didn't have classes at this time. Though, I'm a bit curious what Feldcroft looks like. We all didn't want to walk to Feldcroft since it's way below the southern region. Plus, it could take hours to walk on foot. Sebastian suggested we should all fly but I didn't know how to fly a broom yet. So I suggested we could ask Poppy to borrow her hippogriff. Well firstly, Sebastian and Ominis had to introduce to Highwing carefully.

When I talked to Poppy, I didn't think she'd actually let me borrow her Hippogriff. It made a little sense since she saw what I did back in beasts class. "Thank you Poppy and don't worry, we'll take care of her."

"Try not to murder her!" Poppy reminded.

"Like how you murdered your mandrake," Sebastian snorted.

"Shut up Sallow," I punch his shoulder but it wasn't too hard or too soft.

"Owww!" He rubbed his shoulder that I punched.

I scoffed jokingly. "That didn't even hurt."

We hopped onto the hippogriff. I was in the front, Sebastian was in the middle, and Ominis was at the back. My hands shivered from the thought of being up in the air. Well I rode in a carriage being pulled by thestrals once and it didn't end well. Thanks to the dragon that was sent by Ranrok. About a second, Highwing got off her feet in started flying off. I felt Sebastian's arms wrapped around my waist as he was trying hold onto me.

"I'M NOT VERY FOND OF THIS!" Ominis he was breathing heavily.

"Just keep holding onto me and you'll be fine Ominis," Sebastian said. "And Angela, you better not get us all killed!" he still gripped his arms around me.

"I WON'T!" I called out when the gust of wind blew onto our faces. My breath trembled peaking down from the sky.

Sebastian pointed the mountain that was far away from the distance. "We should head towards that mountain over there should be Feldcroft."

Highwing was leading us towards the mountain as Sebastian said. It was taking a little more than three minutes to get there. It felt as though the ride was slow rather than fast. We've finally reached the mountain and flew past it to see a small village from the sky.

"THERE! THERE!" He yelled out.

Highwing slowed down and flew down to the surface of Feldcroft. Once her feet landed on the ground, we all hopped off.

"That was one hell of a ride now wasn't it?" Sebastian chuckled.

"I nearly vomited." Ominis joked and decided to take a stroll around the village while Sebastian and I take a good view of Feldcroft from afar.

Sebastian took a quick scan around the whole village. "Damn, Feldcroft isn't what it used to be ever since Ranrok's loyalists took particular interest in that castle over there, Rookwood castle." His eyes pointed over the small looking abandoned castle by the hills and looked back to me. "My uncle Solomon is a former Auror but refuses to look into it, even after Anne was cursed by one of them."

"You live with your uncle?" I asked curiously.

"I guess so..." he didn't seem too happy when he answered. Perhaps he wasn't a fond of living with his uncle. "Now shall we head to my uncle's?"

"Of course." We caught up with Ominis and headed towards Sebastian's place along the trails. Walking through the village, a couple of dandelions danced through the small breeze, smoke comes out of the chimney of the cottage homes, a little bit of people working on farms. The village was vaguely empty, barely many of the people wouldn't bother to come out.

We finally stopped by Sebastian's stoned home that was almost covered in moss, loads of of flower pots sitting out by the front of the wooden door, empty orange clay pots hanging below the straw roof. "Here we are. My sister should be inside." He gestured me and Ominis to stay behind him quietly. Sebastian gently opened the door and went in. Ominis and I came along quietly walking inside after Sebastian. Inside there was a girl with a brunette hair in a bun with bangs, wearing a brown skirt, a white button up long sleeve top, a green vest, and a brown scarf around her neck. She was sitting down at the table reading a book, without even noticing we just walked in. I closed the door behind us while Sebastian plans to startle behind the girl. "AHA!" We watched by the door as he tapped her shoulders with both of his hands.

The girl jumped out of her seat to see it was Sebastian and both of them hugged each other tightly. "Sebastian!" She sounded very happy to see her dear brother. After for a few seconds she looked over at Ominis and ran to hug him. He hugged her back. "I'm glad to see you Ominis."

"I'm glad you're here Anne," Ominis said with warm smile and kept hugging her. After a while they both stopped embracing.

Anne took a quick glance at me still keeping a soft smile on her face. "And you are...?"

"Angela. Angela Lestrange," I held out my hand hoping for a handshake. "It's quite pleasure to meet you, knowing that your brother has told me all about you." I nervously chuckled.

She shook my hand just as I was hoping for. "I'm Anne Sallow." We both let go of each other's hands. "Looks like my brother has met another friend." Anne gave me a warm smile.

"Wow, you two already seem like very good friends now am I right?" Sebastian nudged Anne's shoulder. "Especially Angela. She's a very special." He whispered in her ear that I could hear it, even from the door.

"Aw why thank you Sebastian." I smirked.

"You were meant to hear that." He winked. "Oh by the way..." Sebastian pulls out a shrivelfig from his robes.

Anne's face lit up. "Is that what I think it is...?"

A man with a full black beard, striped polo top sleeves, a black vest and pants, and also a bit chubby, stepped in the conversation along with that angry look on his face when he sees Sebastian. That must be Solomon Sebastian mentioned. "We've been over this boy." Solomon took the shrivelfig from his hand. "Shrivelfigs cannot reverse a curse. Nothing can." He looked straight at Anne. Solomon pulled out his wand and twirled it above the shrivelfig, making it disappear into powder. "The sooner you accept that reality the better."

I clenched my fists not knowing what to do but watch with Ominis.

Solomon began to walk away.

"But we haven't tried everything." Sebastian said.

"THERE. IS. NO. CURE!" He turned around and hollered at Sebastian who was startled by his voice. "When will you accept that?!"

Sebastian clenched his jaw and furrowed his eyebrows. "Never! I CAN NEVER ACCEPT IT!" He cried out, letting all the frustration take his place.

Anne clutched her abdomen, groaning in pain and leaning against the table. Her skin looked like it was glowing more pale and her dark circles became more red. Ominis and I ran to help her but Solomon had refused to let us help Anne.

"Don't you touch her!" He said angrily as we both startled and backed away.

"Anne! I'm sorry-" I could hear the guilt coming out from Sebastian's voice. Anne was still groaning in pain struggling to sit down at the table.

"Leave..." Solomon growled. "All of you leave!"

Sebastian sighed in disbelief then stomped out the front door. I couldn't pull my eyes away from him, seeing him all upset and disappointed absolutely shattered my heart.

"C'mon Angela," Ominis put his hand over my shoulder and walked me out of the house leaving Solomon and Anne at the table.

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