Chapter 11 - Beasts

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I made it just in time for Beasts class. A class about magical beasts and creatures both at the Hogwarts grounds and across the world. The class was outside at the training grounds. I stood at a table where the short-haired brunette, Poppy Sweeting, was at. Our teacher, Professor Howin had warned us none of the creatures in this class shall be taken lightly. They're all dangerous in their own ways as Professor Howin says, especially the ones who don't know how to handle them properly. "Miss Sweeting, would you assist Miss Lestrange here with the lesson today?" She asked the Hufflepuff girl.

"Yes Professor Howin." She was holding a small adorable fur ball beast which is known as a Puffskein. "I'm Poppy Sweeting, in case if you don't know. It's pleasure to meet you."

"Angela Lestrange. Pleasure to meet you too." I smiled.

"Don't worry about what Professor Howin says. I promise you, all the beasts in class are perfectly safe." Just then the Puffskein attempted to lick Poppy's face with its long tongue.

"Miss Sweeting, pay attention please! Remember, the tongue of a Puffskein can be a slippery devil," Professor Howin says with a stern voice while Poppy shrieked.

"Sorry Professor..." she nervously chuckled as she sets down the Puffskein. "You can practice on Gerald." It was the name of her Puffskein. I certainly needed to watch out for its tongue. Poppy then hands me her petting brush I can use on the Puffskein. She suggested that I should think of pleasant thoughts. I twirled my wand to help brush Gerald. After brushing the Puffskein, I had to give him some beast feed for him to eat. Gerald was jumping around the table out of enthusiasm and using its long tongue to catch the beast feed. "I think maybe Gerald likes you."

"Oh really?"

"Of course!" Poppy nodded.

"Good work everybody. Now, lets make our way to the pens and select another beast." Professor Howin announced. "But do be careful as you feed and groom them." Afterwards, she instructed Poppy to show me the Kneazles in the farthest pen. Kneazles were like cats.

On our way to the pen, we stumbled upon a Slytherin boy trying to pull the whiskers out of one of the kneazles with his wand. "What in Merlin's name are you doing?!" Poppy ran to the pen.

The Slytherin boy rolled his eyes. "Ugh. Tsk tsk, peculiar Poppy." He stopped trying to pull the whiskers. "Worried about a worthless little rodent?"

Poppy furiously glared at the boy. "Her name is Persephone!"

"'Her name is Persephone!'" The Slytherin boy mocked and laughed. Just when that boy really pissed me off, I knew I had to step up.

"That's really not funny," I said with the fierce look. The Slytherin boy stepped towards me right when Professor Howin was behind from the distance watching us.

The boy rolled his eyes once more and soon walked off. "Whatever I'm leaving." Poppy was trying to make sure Persephone was okay. "That boy does not belong anywhere near this class." she grumbles. Poppy looked back at me and smiled. "Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it." Afterwards, she instructed me feed and brush the Kneazles just like I did with Gerald, so I started brushing and feeding the Kneazles.

After class was over, Poppy needed to talk to me about something. "I wanted to say thanks again for saying something to that brute so that I didn't have to." She smiled. "You sure were an Augurey at noon in the desert."

That phrase left me a little confused. "Err- what now?"

"Oh it's something my gran and I say, it means that something or someone is a welcome surprise," she chuckled lightly. "In our definition though."

"Well I couldn't just stand there and watch him harm the poor Kneazle." Now that I think about it, I'm glad I said something to stop him.

Sebastian stepped into our conversation. "I see you've met Poppy Sweeting here."

"Yeah I was just talking to her about the Kneazles."

"There's something I want you to meet," Poppy told me. She looked over at Sebastian. "And yes Sebastian, you could tag along." We started to walk along the trails in the forest. I'm still not sure what we're even doing. Until then, we reached a certain spot in the forest.

"What are we doing here exactly?" I asked Poppy. She gestured us to wait then whistled out of the open. Something came flying right at the sky. It had the front legs, wings, and head of a giant eagle, and the body, hind legs and tail of a horse. I knew it was a Hippogriff. It came flying towards us three and landed on the ground.

"Please meet Highwing! Isn't she just magnificent?" Poppy had a bright smile on her face. She gestured me to introduce myself to the Hippogriff. While Sebastian was at the back watching, I slowly approached Highwing. I put my right arm on my front and my left arm behind my back as I bowed down. She didn't bow down the first time so I bowed down again and this time, she did. I was absolutely surprised I actually did it right. I was afraid I didn't.

"Wow Angela, I see you've made a new friend. I'm a bit jealous," he joked.

"Awww, no need to be," I said sarcastically in a joking matter.

"It's weird I never seen a Hippogriff take to someone this quickly..." Poppy says. "You can feed and brush her if you'd like, I really don't mind."

After feeding and brushing her, Highwing took off and flew passed above the wooden bridge of Hogwarts.

Poppy puts her hands together in front her. "So Angela... What did you guys think of Highwing?"

"Brilliant," Sebastian and I both said it at the same time.

I looked at him teasing. "Sebastian, you were obviously afraid of approaching it."

"Uh- no I wasn't."

"You looked hesitant back there."

"I... I didn't know how to approach at first."

"Alright then..." I chuckled lightly.

"Well, looks like it's it then," Poppy said. "Perhaps I'll see you later Angela?"

I nodded. "I'll see you later." There was something about Poppy I liked about her. Sure she was nice, but maybe it was a little more than that. She sure does know a lot about beasts and creatures...

As we walked back inside the building, I mentioned about Professor Fig to Sebastian about being in London to study the book I found in the restricted section.

"How long will he be in London for?" He asked.

"To be honest, I'm not really sure... but I think it's best to send him an owl." I suggested. I really did hope Professor Fig comes back. I'm quite curious about what the book was about it. Well the only thing I know that it had to do with ancient magic. But I guess I just have to wait until Fig comes back. Hopefully.

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