Chapter 23 - Regret

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Ever since we got out of the scriptorium, Sebastian had been avoiding me lately. Was it because of what happened at the scriptorium? Possibly. I tried talking to him in the common rooms that night. He couldn't even look me in the eye. I was under covers while Imelda and Anastasia were fast asleep. The thought of the agony I felt kept crawling into my mind like I was supposed to remember the horrendous screams I let out, how my body felt like I was being twisted into parts, and the burning all over my body. I remember Ominis telling me that in order for the unforgivable curses to work, I had to mean it. Sebastian really did mean it. He meant to cast it on me. I don't think he should feel bad about me being in pain. He needed that door to open for answers, for Anne. But I guess when it comes to casting unforgivable spells, people sometimes live to regret it.

I shut my eyes to forget about it and just fall asleep.

The next day in the great hall, I don't think I've seen Sebastian come out of the common rooms. "Do you know what happened with Sebastian?" I scooted to Ominis.

"Sebastian refused to head to the great hall," He put his elbow onto the table. "He told me he needed some space from us. So there's a chance he could be in the undercroft but I suggest the both of us not to bother him until he eventually settles down."

Maybe Ominis is right. I should give Sebastian some space for a bit.


Defence against the dark arts. Sebastian finally showed up, but still refuses to even speak to me. I guess I'll need to survive one day next to Everett Clopton who can never stop blabbering about the most useless shit I could ever listen to, or Simon Turner who can never stop his eyes from wandering all over my upper body.

Boggarts... boggarts...

Ominis stepped up in front of the wardrobe in which a child appeared to be screaming and lying in pain just like I did last night. It might've reflected the cause of the cruciatus curse. Now I know what his fears were.


The child shapeshifted into a goat.

Class is over now.

I wanted to talk to Sebastian but I'm not even sure how much longer he needs. I did catch a few glimpses of him glancing across from me during the lesson.

I was about to walk up to Sebastian from behind just for Simon to stand upon my way, creepily looking at me with a cornered smirk. "You and Sallow have an argument?"

"It wasn't an argument." I walked off, shoulder checking him.

"If he's ignoring you, he's not worth your time." He quickly grabbed my wrist and slightly pulled me towards him. "But I can make such incredible things worth your time with me alone in the Gryffindor common rooms... if you wish to sneak in there." The way he said this in the most horrifying way gave me the ick in my stomach that I feel like it'll drop. I will not let Turner get in the way.

"No way." I swatted his hands away and stormed off.

"I'll make you change your mind later."



I've been pacing my footsteps around the central hall. I know it wasn't helping me find Sebastian but it did help me cool off a bit.

Ominis sensed that I was quite in the mixed emotions, worried, nervous, or pissed off. I didn't know what to feel. All I could have in my mind was Sebastian. "Are you okay there Angela?"

Inhaling and exhaling repeatedly.

"I'm fine, Ominis."

"You don't sound fine..." His tone lowered. "Are you sure you're okay–?"

"I'm good." My feet stopped pacing. "I'm just worried about Sebastian, that's all."

"He's in the undercroft if you need to talk to him." Ominis' mouth slightly turned into a smile for a second. "He was worried about you as well."


"Thanks Ominis."

I rushed my footsteps to get to the undercroft.

Gate opened, I caught my eyes on Sebastian standing by the janked up armour.

"Sebastian?" My voice cracked.


Adieux by M83:

(Music is pretty short so I suggest putting this on loop for the rest of the chapter)

"I-I can't look at you right now!" He turned his whole self away from me.

I step an inch closer behind him. "Is this about what happened at the scriptorium?"

"I should've let you cast the curse on me instead." His fingers curled up into a fist, squeezing firmly. "I was just thinking about Anne and–"

"Sebastian, stop it." A deep exhale escaped from my mouth. "It was my choice, remember?"

Sebastian took a pause for a moment until he decided to face me and speak up. "The way you screamed in agony, I was just standing there like an idiot... I'm sorry."

My eyes softened. I guess he really did regret it after all. "I understand you were too focused on your sister and I don't blame you for it."

"But I've hurt you–"

"Stop it." I stepped another inch closer to him, carefully putting my hand against his cold cheek. "You needn't worry about me anymore. It was better than me seeing a friend in pain."

He pressed his forehead against mine. "Oh darling... I'm really sorry again."

"It's okay. I'm alright now."

"I'm sorry." Sebastian whispered one last time.

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