Chapter 5 - Potions

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There it is, Potions class. Professor Sharp came in limping. I wonder why. "Potions is one of the most challenging and hazardous subjects taught at this school. As fifth-years, you'll be required to reach new heights of both discipline and intellect," he spoke sternly. He does seem like a strict teacher. He told us that we had to begin this term by brewing a Wiggenweld Potion. "Mister Thakkar. Can you tell us why this particular potion might come in handy?" Professor Sharp asked a Ravenclaw student, Amit Thakkar.

"The Wiggenweld can be used to purify and even heal a varity of injuries," the Ravenclaw boy answered.

Professor Sharp limped to his desk and sat down. "Before today's class is completed, each of you will have brewed a Wiggenweld Potion of your own." Well it's a good thing I have some extras. "You may now begin."

"I hate potions class, it's so complicated when I have to concentrate in class if Professor Sharp is always so intimidating," Anastasia murmured.

"Don't act like I didn't hear that, Miss Wilburn," he snarled from his desk.

Her face turned red. "Well shit."

"Anastasia, do you know what happened to his leg?" I whispered to her.

"I'm pretty sure Professor Sharp would poison you if you mention about his leg," she chuckled.

"Well do you know what happened?"

"Nah, but he wants us to keep quiet about his leg."

At this point, I just started working on the potion. I crushed the ingredients in a bowl, added a pinch of dittany in my cauldron, five drops of Horklump juice, and then stirred the cauldron. I had to wait about twenty-five seconds for the result.

Professor Sharp got up and limped to every table to check on the students' potion. As he got to my table with Anastasia to check on my Wiggenweld Potion. "Not an easy potion to brew. Well done," I didn't expect him to be impressed by my Wiggenweld Potion. "I think you'd also do well to practice brewing the Edurus Potion."

"Thank you Professor," I smiled lightly.

"Professor Weasley had you acquire the recipe from J. Pippins, correct?" Professor Sharp asked.

I nodded.

"Good. You can find the ingredients you need in my office for now."

"I understand Professor."

"Come and see me once you're done brewing the Edurus Potion," he limped back to his desk.

"That was unusual of Professor Sharp. I didn't think he'd be impressed by a student's brewing," Anastasia chuckled. I chuckled as well.

Right I was about to walk into Professor Sharp's office, a red-headed Gryffindor was standing by the door. He had asked if Professor Sharp gave me permission to go to his office.

"You heard correctly," I replied. "He needed me to get more ingredients to brew another potion."

"Damn, no way he did," Gryffindor boy chuckled. He was introducing himself as Garreth Weasley. "And you must be Angela Lestrange I suppose?"

"That's correct," I smiled and realized that he could be related to Professor Weasley. "Wait, Weasley?"

"Oh right, Professor Weasley's my aunt. By the way, I'm working on something spectacular..."

"What's something spectacular, are you exactly working on?" I asked him.

Garreth winked. "It's a surprise. I just need one last ingredient from his office. It's a Fwooper Feather."

"I suspect that's where I come in."

"Perhaps you could get it for me please?" he requested.

"Alright, fine."

"Thank you so much Angela!" Garreth went back to his cauldron.

What a strange guy. I walked inside Professor Sharp's office. I just needed an Ashwinder Eggs, Dark Mongrel fur for the Edurus Potion, and a Fwooper Feather for Garreth. I'm not sure if it was a good idea to encourage him into something weird to brew in his potion but whatever. I got all the ingredients I need including that feather, walked to Garreth and gave him the Fwoopper Feather and went back to my cauldron, putting in a Ashwinder Egg and the Dark Mongrel fur inside the cauldron and waited until it was fully brewed.

"Were you talking to Garreth?" Anastasia asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, nothing..." I caught her gazing at Garreth.

I immediately knew what was going on. "Do you have a little crush on him?" I giggled.

"I- No?" Anastasia's face went all red.


"Fine, I do. But I don't know if he even likes a Slytherin like me..."

"You'll get your chance," I nudged her shoulder.

Garreth seems to already be working on his spectacular potion. "And now we add the mallowseet, and... that's odd. What's happening?" He looked at his cauldron. For a few seconds, the inside of the cauldron started going crazy. It started exploding, splashing everywhere.

"Is that what you see in him?" I turned to face Anastasia.

"Oh he's just being silly," she says, still gazing at him.

"How often do you talk to him?"

"Not a lot sadly," Anastasia went back to brewing.

Garreth's cauldron stopped splashing. "Dragon dung. What happened?" He was still confused on how it ended up like that. Everyone still kept laughing at him.

"What now Mister Weasley?" Professor said with the stern look on his face.

"Sorry Professor..." Garreth clenched his teeth.

The Edurus potion was finally finished brewing. I walked over to Professor Sharp to inform him that I had already brewed the Edurus potion as he asked.

"I'm surprised you had the time. You seemed rather busy helping Mister Weasley brew chaos," he sounded displeased that I helped Garreth with the feathers.

"Oh yeah about that..." I chuckled nervously.

"You won't earn favour of with me by failing to take responsibility for your actions. I suggest you to take notice about this..."


"Despite all of that, I'd say you've done well in class today."

"Glad I was able to meet your expectations Professor."

"But you'd do well to remember that you're not a potion master just yet."

All of the plants I nurture in Herbology class are often essential to the potions I brew here. And I won't forget that. Class was finally dismissed. Right when I walked out of the classroom, Sebastian had whispered in my ear. "Tonight, meet me by the library."

Back at the common room, Anastasia wouldn't clam up about Garreth Weasley. "I'm sorry but he's just so dreamy," She kept on giggling.

"You're really weird."

"Oh come on, you'd do the same thing with Sebastian Sallow," she laughed.

Right, as if. Speaking of Sebastian, I couldn't stop to think about the way we kept glancing at each other in class, the way he spoke to me, and the way he kept that stupid smirk on his face whenever we walked by.

Well, it's nighttime already. Looks like I have to meet up with him right now.

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