Chapter 8 - Sleepyheads

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Me and Sebastian entered History of Magic class a few minutes late. We both sat down at an empty table next to Ominis. Thankfully, Professor Binns didn't see us. Professor Binns was our ghost teacher, teaching History of Magic. People say he fell asleep in the staff room and died in slumber. No wonder why he keeps making us fall asleep in class. I thought it was just his boring lectures that's making it really hard to stay awake.

"In today's lesson we'll cover a truly thrilling event; The Goblin Rebellion of 1752, and all of its tragedy," he was speaking in a low grumbling voice.

Goblin Rebellion huh? My eyelids felt heavy. Shit, I have to stay awake. My head slumped down onto the table and my eyelids began to close down. GODDAMNIT ANGELA, WAKE UP FOR MERLIN'S SAKE!

"History occurs outside the classroom." I slowly lift my head up. Professor Binns slowly floats out of the classroom, gesturing us to follow him outside. "It's time for my constitutional. One can pass the history around Hogwarts."

Everyone got up and followed him. Anastasia walked by me wiping the drool off her cheek. "Fucking hell, I must've been drooling."

"To be fair, I would've done the same," I chuckled.

"Hey Angela." I've recognized that stupid voice before. Of course it was Simon Turner.

"What do you want now Simon?"

"Heard Sallow got detention for you," the smug on his face just makes me want to punch him.

"Is that why you came over just to say that?" I crinkled my eyebrows.

"Well not exactly. But he sure was stupid enough to get himself in trouble," he snorts.

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to do anything with that Gryffindor boy.

"I mean I'd do the same thing for you. But Sallow doesn't deserve you."

What. The. Fuck?

Good thing Sebastian stepped into our conversation. "Talking about me are we?" He crossed his arms. Simon glared at him.

"Ugh..." he finally walked away brushing his hair back with his hand.

Sebastian looked over at me. "Was he bothering you?"

"A little bit..."


The whole class was outside at the Bell Tower Entrance Hall. Professor Binns wanted us to look at some artifacts around here. Some of them were interesting though. Though, A lot of us were still sleepy. I was still sleepy. Still couldn't keep my eyes wide open. Not sure how much I slept last night, considering how much time me and Sebastian took at the library until almost midnight and the other half of the time I spent in my dorm feeling all guilty that I should've stepped up and took the blame.

Me, Ominis, and Sebastian were sitting at the stairs, talking about how Professor Binns' lessons were boring. My eyelids were still heavy. Maybe it's a good time to rest a bit before class ends. I carefully leaned my head against the wall and let my eyes at rest for a while.

After who knows how long I've been resting, I heard a soft husky voice right above my head, telling me I should wake up. His hot breath tickled through the top of my scalp. I can feel the guy's heartbeat behind me. "Sebastian..?"

"Hi sleepyhead."

MERLIN'S BEARD WHAT THE FUCK. I stood up from the ground. "How long was I asleep?"

"Quite a while."

"Why was I in your arms?"

"Well you slumped onto my shoulder and I didn't want you to break your neck so I just..." Sebastian paused for a moment.

"Did anyone else see us?" I felt embarrassed.

"Not at all, don't worry." He had a slight smile on his face.

I remember Ominis was with us before I fell asleep. "Where's Ominis?"

"He left early."

Great. "Well, I'll see you later then?"

"See you."

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