Chapter 14 - Mirror of Erised

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(A pretty short chapter but here's a song that matches with this chapter)

Reflections by The Neighborhood:

(One of my favorite songs from The Neighborhood.

Alright back to the story.)

Me, Sebastian, and Ominis were walking together in the halls right after Herbology class. I couldn't stop thinking about the whole chaotic stuff that happened in that class. Rumours been spread, my mandrake got burnt, and the ridiculous argument between me and Sebastian.

"Still, how the hell do you even burn a mandrake?" Sebastian was still at it about the dead mandrake.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't even ask." Both Ominis and Sebastian laughed.

Throughout the corridor, we stumbled upon a doorway that opened out of nowhere. We all looked at each other in confusion. Why did that door appeared? I was curious to see what was inside, so I walked in. Inside was a giant room filled with a bunch of furniture were piled up everywhere almost touching the ceiling. Room was pretty dark but there were a lot of lanterns stacked on top of a furniture. And there were old books as well, also piling up everywhere. Sebastian and Ominis came along to look around with me.

Until then, I came across a giant rusty mirror with a golden frame that's said, "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi". I took a gaze at my reflection of my dark stacked chin bob cut, my jaded green eyes, and the scar right across my left eye. Slowly I began to see a boy who was very familiar. "Edward..." my gaze soften at my brother. He looked alive and happy. I could see my parents as well. They were all happy, just how I wished my family was right now. "Mum... Dad..."

"Angela, what do you see?" Sebastian asked with curiosity. It looked like he wasn't seeing what I was seeing. I didn't want to step away from the mirror. I never thought about what my brother even looked like when he was alive. Until then, I didn't think I could even remember his face. I had to step aside from the mirror to give Sebastian a chance to look at it, gestured him to stand in front of the mirror. When he was looking at his reflection, he had the same reaction I had when I saw my family. "Oh Mum, Dad... Anne..." he looked shattered into pieces.

"Sebastian, are you alright?" Ominis felt concerned about him as much as I was. I could see Sebastian tearing up, clenching his fists as he broke down. I could feel the urge inside me just wanting to walk up and hug him. But I was too stupid enough for me to hesitate.

"You saw your family too...?" my voice softened as I carefully placed my hand on his shoulder instead of hugging him. Ominis did the same but with Sebastian's other shoulder.

"So this mirror shows us what we want...?" Ominis asked.

"Not exactly." A woman's voice came from behind us. We turned to see it was Professor Weasley with her house elf, Deek. Sebastian quickly wiped off the tears from his eyes and stood up from the ground. "You see, this is called 'Mirror of Erised'. This mirror shows us the most desperate desire of a person's heart, considering the word 'erised' is spelled 'desire' backwards."

"That must've explained why I'm seeing Anne healthy in the reflection..." Sebastian rested his shoulders, still pretty upset.

"The happiest and most satisfied person in the world would look in the mirror and see a reflection of them, exactly as they are, for they would then have no one and nothing more to yearn or desire for that the mirror could ever show them," Professor Weasley explained.

"I wouldn't be able to know my deepest desire," Ominis spoke.

"Besides, what are you all three doing in the room of requirement?" Professor Weasley raised her eyebrow.

I explained to her that we all stumbled upon it, nothing else.

She chuckled. "Ah, well certainly you guys have a class to head on don't you?"

"Yes professor." We all walked back out of the room without even saying a word to each other or bringing up about the mirror. Looking back at it, I never thought I could ever see my family this much happier together again. Especially without my brother. I still could hear his screams at the back of my head. The screams right before he was gone. Every single time I think about him, his screams were just there. I try to keep leaving the past behind but it just kept getting to me. Honestly, I shouldn't really be thinking about the past right now, especially after seeing Sebastian hurt as well. I wanted to ask him about his view from the reflection, but I didn't want to make him more upset. I think I was more worried about him than I was for myself. I still felt bad for not comforting him enough like a good friend would.

Now aside from all that, Sebastian suggested that we should hang out by the lake next to Hogwarts tonight. I thought hanging out by the lake would be a good idea to take our minds off for just the three of us to listen the sounds of the water singing with the wind in a evening atmosphere. Ominis thought it was a great idea as well. Just a relaxing time for all of us. Maybe we get to play in the water, even though I don't know how to swim. "So I guess we'll see each other tonight then?" Sebastian asked.

"I'll see you, Sebastian."

"Remember, 6:30 pm!"

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