Chapter 25 - Tea, Moon, And Stars

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Tear In My Heart by Twenty One Pilots:

Few hours later, I had almost forgotten about the astronomy tower Sebastian had mentioned. My mind was still fixating on the future trial. I knew it wasn't gonna be easy, but I at least have to try. The central hall was nearly empty and it was already past dawn.

I walked the spiral steps up to the astronomy class and more steps up to the top of the tower until I saw Sebastian and Ominis sitting by the scopes and watching billions of stars in the dark. "Ah, there's the new top duelist in Hogwarts." Sebastian hands me a cup of green tea.

I took a small sip of the green tea. "So you weren't lying about the tea."

"The tea was my idea in the first place." Ominis commented.

"Well good thing I love green tea."

I sat on my knees between Sebastian and Ominis, while examining the stars. Some of them were brighter and bigger than the others.

"Ooh ooh! That's a Lacerta right there." Sebastian pointed at a group of huge stars.

"How do you know it's a Lacerta?" I narrowed my eyes at the sky.

"Try to shape the stars." He explained. 

And so I did but I couldn't tell if it was either a lupus or a phoenix.

"That's a phoenix." Sebastian looked at the stars I was looking at and his eyes drifted towards my side view.

Ominis kept slurping his tea while sitting back and listening to us talking about the shaping stars before speaking up. "Sebastian didn't tell you he did this to make up for what happened last night?"

Now that caught my mind. I put the cup down and turned my eyes over at Sebastian. "Really? You didn't have to–"

"But I wanted to."

"I thought we were through with this. You needn't worry about that anymore." I let out a soft exhale letting my palm rest on the wooden floor and gazed at my surroundings. "But I do appreciate what you're doing."

A soft smile was left on Sebastian's face. He genuinely wanted to do anything to make up for the mistakes he made. I would've done the same if I took his position or hurt him in any way. "It's nice spending a tea time with their friends, am I right, Ominis?"

"Hell yeah, expect most of the times you get us caught and I have to take the blame for it." Ominis huffed.

"It wasn't my fault I couldn't help but not leave the pastries alone in the Great Hall to rot at night!" Sebastian claimed.

"You should've sent Garreth instead of dragging my ass into something that'll get us caught. Not to mention, putting spiders into Leander's cauldron."

"Well deserved with such a cauldron full of spider eyes and blood." He snorted in his teacup.

"And guess who happened to say, 'Oh dear, it must've been me. I thought of drops of fluxweed seeds in my own cauldron. Didn't think it was spiders crawling into Leander's cauldron.' Yeah that's right, me."

Listening to them share the moments they've had before I came to Hogwarts brought up the light in the darkness. Seeing them genuinely happy made me feel like I should be happy as well, especially with someone particular. The thought of them getting in trouble and Ominis taking the blame was amusing to me, considering Sebastian had done the same in the restricted section. That showed how much of a good friend he was. I know they miss Anne. It seems as if Anne was the key to keeping these Slytherin boys happy together.

Ominis sets his teacup on the ground as he gets up on his feet for crossing his legs a lot. "Alright, I'm going to bed. You two can have fun."

I shifted my attention to him. "Wait- already?"

"If you guys are up to something mischievous in any way and get caught red-handed, you can blame Sebastian." He gave me a slight smirk before heading downstairs in the astronomy tower.

Sebastian was flabbergasted after hearing Ominis suggesting that I should blame all the trouble he could've caused in a way that wouldn't necessarily get us expelled. But I still thought about that time in the restricted section with Sebastian.

Slowly watching Ominis walk away, Sebastian and I looked over at each other with the solemn silence between us almost filling the air. "Well it's just us now."

"Wanna look at more stars?" I perked up a smirk, making an eye gesture at the scope.

"Sure thing." We both walked over to the railing, looking at the sky once again. I caught Sebastian eying up at the moon. "The moon is beautiful isn't it?" He nudged my shoulder trying to get my attention to the moon.

The moon was glowing like the stars. It was white as snow with a tint of yellow glowing the surface of it. It seemed to be making eye contact with both of our eyes. "It really is..." We stood there giving the attraction to the moon as more silence filled the air.

I've decided to break the silence. "Have you ever been in love?" I'm not entirely sure why those words slipped out of my lips but at least the tower won't be full of silence the whole entire time.

Sebastian's attention shifted to me. "I don't exactly remember when I did. Although I thought I had mixed feelings about Imelda in our fourth year."

Well that caught me off guard.

"Do you still have mixed feelings?" I crinkle my nose.

"Not at all." He scoffed. "She's a nightmare, honestly."

"She just has confidence." I chuckled lightly.

"Maybe a little too confident..." We both looked back at the moon. "Plus, hasn't she bullied you enough?"

"Imelda... might've threatened me a few times."


"It's fine, I can handle her." I light a scoff. "She doesn't scare me anyways."

We both looked back at the moon and Sebastian spoke up. "Have you ever been in love?"

I paused for a moment trying to think of what to say. I've told myself that I never fell for someone special. But was it true? I must be overthinking. "No, I haven't." I spoke out in a quiet tone while the crickets were chirping from the distance.

"Is that so...?" Sebastian raised his eyebrow.

"I will never fall in love."

That wasn't true. I just have to find the right person.

"You're lying." He chuckled as he took a step away from the railing.

My cheeks flushed. "How would I be lying?"

He lets off a shrug. "I just have a feeling."

Now that I think about it, I really do feel the butterflies around me like an adrenaline rush upon my body. My cheeks were tinted red like a rose in a garden. "I do have someone in mind..."

Sebastian perked up. "Really?! Who is it?"

"I'm not telling-"

"Come on, you can trust me! They sound like a lucky person."

"But I'm not sure if they're the right person..."

If I had to find the right person, then that person would be standing in right front of me.

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