Chapter 7 - Secrets

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Once I got out of the antechamber, I saw Sebastian again.

"FOR MERLIN'S SAKE I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!" He hugged me tightly that I couldn't even breathe. Sebastian finally let go of me.

"We should head back."

On our way out of the restricted section, we ran into Peeves the poltergeist. "Who we have here?" He flew out of nowhere. Peeves looked at me and Sebastian with a devilish smile on his face. "Sebastian Sallow and his new little friend, out exploring where they shouldn't be~!"

BUSTED! Damn... there's no way we got caught by that poltergeist. "Peeves don't you dare-"

"I'M GOING TO TELLL! I'M GOING TO TELLL! I'M GOING TO TELLL!" He sings along as he flies on his way to inform the librarian.

Damnit... now he's going to rat on us.

"Blasted Peeves! I'm gonna have to stop him or find an excuse for all of this!" Sebastian growled.

"Wait, you aren't to get in trouble for me aren't you?" I asked him concernedly.

"Why wouldn't I do that?" He had a smirk on his face.

I sighed. "Just be careful..."

"Stay here and don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this," he casted the Disillusionment charm and went after him. "Now where did that fucking poltergeist went..."

I was left alone, not knowing what I should do. I kept pacing back and forth, hoping Sebastian was okay. It's going to be alright... I kept thinking to myself. Should I go after him as well? Maybe I shouldn't. I waited for a bit and decided to go after Sebastian.


As I finally got out of the restricted section, I kept calling out his name. From the distance, he was there with Peeves and the librarian. Looks like he got caught. I hid behind a counter.

"Sneaking in the restricted section AGAIN!" Scribner scolded at Sebastian.

Oh shit.

"I thought we were through with this mischief and clearly detentions are insufficient..." She crossed her arms, tapping her fingers. "I'm afraid I have to take this to the headmaster."

Sebastian tried to make up an excuse. "But-"

"With that being said, Peeves told me that you didn't come alone tonight," Peeves was smiling devilishly.

My heart started to pound a lot, hoping that Sebastian doesn't rat out on me. DO NOT TELL! DO NOT TELL! DO NOT TELL! DO NOT TELL! The words kept repeating in my head.

Sebastian looked at the librarian. "There was nobody else. I came alone."


"Oh Sebastian, what will your uncle say..." Scribner clicks her tongue again. Peeves blew raspberry at him angrily and flew away. When they all left I walked back to the Slytherin common room.


I was laying down my bed while Anastasia and Imelda were asleep, thinking what I could've done if I had just stepped up and took the blame instead of Sebastian. Why didn't I do that? I must've been thinking about myself, wasn't I? I mean, there's no way to get back to the past and just try to fix everything.

The next morning at the Great Hall, I was sitting with Ominis, eating some baked garlic bread and some mash potatoes. I couldn't see Sebastian anywhere. We were discussing about what happened with me and Sebastian last night and told him he got in trouble.

"So he took the blame for you?" Ominis asked a bit sharply.

"Yeah, I guess so..."

He sighed. "I can't believe it, he shouldn't drag you into his mess."


"Well if you were caught, it's Sebastian's fault," he sounded a little concerned.

Speaking of which, Sebastian finally showed up in the Great hall. He looked as though he didn't seem to be bothered about what happened last night. "Sorry I'm late."

"So what Professor Black say?" I asked him.

"He threatened to expel me if I did it again."

"Honestly for Merlin's sake Sebastian, you need to quit putting yourself into trouble. Not to mention, you almost got Angela into trouble," Ominis frowned a bit.

"But I didn't, and it's all that matters," Sebastian chuckled.

Breakfast was over, I was on my way to History of Magic class when Sebastian pulled me into an empty hallway unexpectedly. "We need to talk." Stared coldly at me.

"Why?" I asked in confusion.

"What happened at the restricted section when you disappeared? What did you find?" He was talking about the antechamber.

I couldn't tell him everything for Professor Fig's sake, but he the serious look on his face made me think I should just tell him. "Nothing really happened."

Sebastian scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Are you sure nothing really happened? Because there should be a reason why some kind of ancient magic pulled you into another place."

Should I just tell him the whole thing?

"We're friends aren't we? I can trust you. You can trust me," His tone changed from serious to calm now.

"And yet you still haven't told me about what spells aren't taught at Hogwarts," I said with a look.

"Okay... how about you tell me whatever it is you're hiding and I'll tell you. Does that sound good?"

I nodded. I had explained every detail that happened when I encountered Ancient Magic at the carriage during the dragon incident until the antechamber I found last night.

"So that's what happened..." he felt completely speechless.

"Now let's hear you," I've been wanting to know what he's been trying to say ever since the first time we met. But I'm a hundred percent sure he was talking about Dark Arts.

"I've been trying to learn about the Dark Arts and I am convinced it's my only hope to Anne."

I KNEW IT! "Why do you think Dark Magic can cure your sister?"

"Because I know damn well nobody else can do anything to help her, not even from Nurse Blainey to St. Mungo's."

I didn't know what words to get out of my mouth. But I knew he would be willing to do anything to save her sister. "We should get to class, we're already late." I sighed and walked off.

"Wait-" Sebastian held my wrist. "Do you promise me you won't say a word to anyone about what I just told you?"

"Promise," I smiled. "Do you promise to keep mine a secret?"

"Your secret is safe with me," he smiled back and lets go of my wrist.

Now that we won't be spilling anything to anyone, I almost forgot to thank him for covering me up at the library. Sebastian risked his life just to get himself into trouble just for me to not to. I don't think I could ever not thank him for anything. Overall, he became one of my good friends I ever made aside from Anastasia Wilburn. "Thank you for not ratting me out last night."

"You're welcome Angela, that's what friends are for."


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