Chapter 28 - Scars And Wounds

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Entombed by Deftones:

My footsteps hurled through the empty halls. My bloody cut on my forehead almost dripped into my eye. On my way to the Slytherin common room, I bumped into Sebastian who I was hoping to see. "Shit- sorry Sallow."

"Lestrange you're back!" Sebastian perked up until he noticed the cut. "Fuck, you're bleeding."

"Obviously." I let out a soft chuckle. He insisted on sitting me down on the bench. "Over here."

We both sat down on the bench and my ankles were sore from running while fighting the stone knights. Sebastian was about to use his sleeve to wipe off the blood on my forehead, but I gripped his wrist firmly to stop him. "Don't. You'll get your sleeve all bloody."

Sebastian scoffed, hitting his breath against my skin. "I don't care."

"Well I care."

"You seem to be worried about getting your blood on my clothes while I'm worried about your wounds."

I decided to let go of his wrist and let him wipe off the blood. While he was up this close, cheeks flushed as I looked up at his hazel eyes that reflected the moon outside the window. He made eye contact with me and my eyes drifted away.

"Besides, I'd love to have your blood on my clothes."

His words caught me off guard as I had no idea what he meant by that but surely he didn't mean murder, right? "Excuse me?"

"Oh- too far?"

"That was a bit weird if you ask me."

"Sorry, I- I just meant, well... I just- you know..." Sebastian's cheeks turned red as he stuttered.

How can this boy be so cute when he's awkward?

"It's alright, just keep doing what you're doing." I shined a soft smile.

Sebastian nodded and proceeded to wipe the wound. It felt like he was looking at the old scar on my eye. Once there was no dripping blood, he pecked his lips against the cut which got me even more flustered by that small kiss. He wandered his eyes to my arm and noticed more cuts on my shoulder through the fabric.

"Don't worry about it, I can treat it myself." I tried to pull his hand away.

He carefully placed his hand on the wound. "C'mon Angela, let your friend take care of it."

"I'm not five, Sebastian. I know how to take care of myself." It already sounded like I was a bit too harsh on him. I know he's trying to help and that's what I loved about him. "At least congratulate me for not dying." I joked, hoping it would lighten up the mood a bit.

"Congratulations." Sebastian cornered a smile while his pupils dilated looking into my jaded eyes and carefully rubbed his thumb against my wound. "I'm glad you made it out alive. But you should invite me next time."

"Sebastian, you know I can't-"

"Don't worry, the keepers don't have to know." He kept nudging my shoulder, pursuing me to let him work with me for the next trial.

I stood up and slowly walked towards a window to see the dark sky. "I'll think about it."

"Looking at the stars again, are we?" He went after me and stood next to me in front of the window.

We stayed in a moment of silence looking out at the stars in the dark sky just like we did last night. Looks like Sebastian and I are utterly obsessed over stars and the moon. Another way to feel the aura between us. I was hoping we would share a tender kiss in front of the twilight sky, just like my last night's dream. We were only a few centimetres apart from each other and my fingertips almost caressed his warm hand. These signals keep killing me more than the statues that tried to kill me. I can't help but bottle up these emotions unless I find the right time to let it all out.

The cuts started to sting my shoulder again. A wiggenweld potion could've worked if I had more of them which I unfortunately do not have since I might've used all of them during that trial. Even without a wiggenweld potion I can just bear the wound.

My eyes were starting to get heavy as I let my head almost rest on Sebastian's shoulder. It wasn't the first time I had my head on his shoulder. Although, he never seemed to mind me sleeping on him. My eyes slowly shut down, slightly leaning my whole body on Sebastian. Thankfully he caught me before I collapsed on the ground and he put my arm around his shoulder.

Merlin, I feel like a person who drank five bottles of fire whiskeys everyday.

"You really are exhausted, aren't you?" Sebastian was walking me down to the dungeon to get to the common room.

"Psh, I'm not even tired." I scoffed lightly.

"Yes you are." I still had my arm wrapped around his shoulder as we arrived at the common room and to my bed. He carefully lies me down on the bed. The last thing Sebastian said before he left the room was, "Goodnight, darling."

I should give him credit for helping me get to my bed so I wouldn't be sleeping on the cold ground the entire night.

"Goodnight Sebastian..."

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