Chapter 4 - Herbology

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I went to meet with Professor Fig in his office. Still wonder what he needed from me.

"Angela, do you still remember the dragon incident we had before you attended Hogwarts?" He had asked.

I nodded. He told me that the dragon was wearing a collar with a silver dark glow, the same silver that Ranrok wears, he might've controlled that dragon.

"Apperently, Ranrok is using Rookwood to find us because he wants whatever we found that vault above the pensive," Professor Fig spoke.

"Not to mention, I saw Ranrok and Rookwood back at Hogsmeade... He was definitely looking for me."

Professor Fig sighed, "Whatever you do... try not to get involved with all of those by yourself. Avoid them at all cost."

But I wanted to learn more about why Ranrok would want to go after Ancient Magic or whatever. "I understand..."

He wanted to change the subject. "Anyways, how has your classes been? I hope you didn't get into too much trouble."

"Things are well."

"And I heard you made already good friends with Anastasia, Natty, Ominis and who else...?" He slightly looked up.

"Sebastian Sallow?" I asked.

"Ah right, him. I heard that you beat him in a duel in Defense Against the Dark Arts," Professor Fig smiled. "Anyways, keep up with your school work and have a nice day." He waved.

I waved back and left his office. I felt a little tired, knowing how much energy I spent on Crossed Wands, but it was worth it and I'm glad Sebastian told me about the club.


The next morning, Anastasia had woken me up. She informed me that Sebastian wanted to meet me outside of the common room. I felt lazy getting up. My limbs felt really sore after so much dueling yesterday. I forced myself to get up, put on my uniform, brushed my short hair a little bit and walked out. Sebastian was leaning against the wall when I walked outside of common room.

"Finally awake Lestrange?" Sebastian gazed at me.

"How long have you been waiting?"

"At least ten minutes," he shrugged.

"So... what did you need?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I need you to come to the restricted section of the library with me tonight."

"Why can't Ominis go with you?" I asked Sebastian.

"Ominis didn't think he'd want to risk getting caught. Plus, I'd love to have you experience what it's like being in the restricted section with me," Sebastian smirked as he gazed into my eyes.

I glanced away for a moment. "Why do you need to go there anyways?"

"Just looking for something specific..."

"Okay...?" I looked at him a little skeptical. Has he ever been this flirty? But maybe I can find something interesting there...

"Are you nervous or something?" Sebastian still kept looking at me.

"Of course not!" I chuckled nervously.

"Right... I'll meet you tonight then. See you in class," he winked and walked off. I had a bad feeling about this.


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