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I have a crush. I honestly think I'm in love with her.

She is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen.

My heart's nemesis.

She came to C. McLean Academy, the best boarding school in Canada, in the middle of sophomore year, and no one had ever seen her before. She was kind and generous, loyal and happy. That's when everybody fell in love with her. Including me.

All the freshmen wanted to be her friend, sorry, her best friend, trying to be as popular as she was.

They copied her and everything she did.

For example, when she wore her hair in a low ponytail, the next day, all the girls wore their hair in a low ponytail.

At the time, all the little freshmen wanted to be her. They loved her, this innocent brown-eyed girl who doesn't even talk to me.

People have told me that I frighten and overwhelm her. I embody her fears, which is understandable.

She and I are complete opposites in every possible way, but somehow we're also silently on the same level. It's the strangest thing ever.

She's the one they all look up to, and she quietly runs the school, just like me. Her crown is delicate, made of fragile glass and lightness, with no demands.

Meanwhile, mine is burdensome, reminding me of my responsibility to the family and our reputation.

I wish she could just look at me...

"Bro, why are you staring at her? She doesn't even want you. Give it up already."

I glance at my best friend, Geoff. Him and these stupid ass questions. He and I are standing outside Monday morning, feeling the chilly morning air cut through my sweater. I knew I should have worn a coat, and there's no way in absolute hell I'm going inside just yet.

Every morning since 10th grade, I wait for her to arrive and hope that one day she'll finally notice me. She hasn't yet, obviously.

"I'm just looking," I finally say to Geoff, my voice devoid of emotion. Couldn't care less whatsoever.

On the surface, I act like I don't give a damn about anything or anyone. It's just easier that way. I know I'm a total dick sometimes, but it works for me. Caring means showing weakness, and I'm the toughest person in this whole damn school. Nothing gets to me.

I shoot a fierce, icy glare at Geoff, but he brushes me off, his smirk the only sign he acknowledges me. "When do you ever not?" he retorts sharply, like a slap in the face, not that he gives a shit.

The asshole has the nerve to laugh at me. "Screw all this waiting. It's been forever. You should just go talk to her."

I lean against the chilly wall, trying to appear relaxed. But inside, I'm wound up, my eyes constantly drawn to her. Again and again.

Courtney Barlow.

She strolls towards the school entrance, heading my way. With a serene smile on her face, she shines like a beacon, captivating everyone she passes. She greets everyone, but not me, with her melodic voice and a charming voice like a princess. Friendly, sweet, and painfully gorgeous, it's almost overwhelming to gaze at her for too long.

I see her neck, adorned with a delicate gold necklace and a tiny ruby pendant. It's a necklace she received from her daddy.

Courtney seems to be proud of herself. She even gives speeches to other girls about being pure and modest. It's a topic that gets a lot of attention on campus.

It's pretty ironic how it all went down. Courtney used to go on and on about being pure, but one by one, her friends gave it up. I guess people change as they get older and try new things.

"You will waste your time with her, Duncan," says my other friend, Alejandro. He's rich and from Peru, so all the chicks on campus go crazy for him and can't resist his charm. I'm only friends with him because Geoff is friends with him. "She's quite reserved, isn't she?"

"Ha, that's only part true," Geoff cackles. "He's got this stupid desire to fuck her up and steal away all her firsts. Duncan couldn't care less if she's a virgin or not."

He and Alejandro crack up.

The way he wasn't even wrong. That's precisely what I plan to do. Why should she hold up for some guy who won't treat her right?

So stupid.

I watch Courtney as she pauses to chat with a group of freshman girls. They all surround her like flies, trying to seek her attention and approval.

I don't really do relationships for real, I just fuck and go. Relationships are signs of weakness, and I would rather die than show weakness to anyone.

Courtney walks up to the front entrance. She completely ignores me, not uttering a single word, and walks into the building without even looking back. The freshmen girls follow her, glaring at me as they walk past.

When she's out of earshot, Geoff looks at me and cackles.

"She doesn't like you. You're too...boring." He and Alejandro laugh hysterically like that shit's funny.

"You know she's having a party, right?" Alejandro says between laughs.

"Why?" I ask, feeling annoyed.

"Her birthday...christ are you slow?" Geoff raises an eyebrow.

"If she's really throwing a birthday party, then why the hell why didn't I get invited?" I say. Obviously I know why. She hates me, for whatever reason...

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now