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I lean my cheek against the smooth leather seat, boldly gazing at Duncan Nelson, without a care in the world if I appear silly. And he doesn't seem to be bothered at all.

Taking in all the handsome charm right in front of me is almost too much, he's incredibly good-looking. I adore how the cold air gives his cheeks a hint of rosy color, making him appear more youthful and gentle.

But Duncan's face is anything but soft. It's all about strong angles and defined features. He has high cheekbones and a strong jawline. His brows are dark and currently furrowed as he looks at me, and those cool blue eyes seem to grow warmer the longer he gazes, as if he's really enjoying what he sees.

I enjoy what I see too.

But Duncan's attractive face has a single touch of softness—his mouth. His lips are a lovely shade of pink, with the lower lip slightly fuller than the top. Right now, they're slightly parted as his gaze lingers on my mouth, before finally lifting to meet my eyes.

My whole body warms up, and it's not just because of this cozy coat. I can tell he's thinking about kissing me. And that's all I desire right now. I'm curious about the taste of his lips. Will his kisses be gentle and sweet? Or passionate and intense?

Perhaps a mix of both, a perfect blend of tender sweetness and passionate intensity...

The anticipation is thrilling.

"You keep looking at me, and..." His voice trails off, leaving a sense of mystery in the air.

"And what?"

His strong chest moves up and down, like he's taken a deep breath, maybe even a nervous one. "I can't control what I might do."

"Tell me what you want to do to me."

He quickly looks at the driver and says, "I don't wanna say it out loud. It might make you blush, Princess."

"I swear, I won't say a word." I squeeze my thighs together, hoping to relieve the sudden pulsing sensation, but it only intensifies. "Tell me in my ear."

Duncan reaches out, his hand going to the seatbelt buckle and releasing it. I casually move the strap aside, allowing him to hold my hand and draw me nearer. Soon enough, I find myself comfortably seated in the middle of the back seat, while he secures me again, his hand gently grazing my chest as he fastens the belt securely.

We're sitting real close, and, I can feel his warmth seeping into my side, making me even hotter. Our eyes lock, tension building, and I gulp, getting ready to speak. But before I can, he leans in, his lips near my ear, and his gentle breath making me shiver.

"I've been longing to kiss you, to savor your taste, and to gently kiss your neck."

I look away, my breathing quickening.

"I'd take all your clothes off, kiss your entire body. Tell you how absolutely beautiful you are, Courtney. You're the most gorgeous princess I've ever laid eyes on."

I can't help but close my eyes, cherishing his kind words. They make me feel so good.

"I'll do everything I want to you."

I suddenly open my eyes and see him looking at me, his gaze dark and mysterious.

He gets even closer to me, his lips grazing my ear, and I suppress the urge to moan. "I want to fuck you over and over again, you're screaming and cumming so hard you almost blackout."

My heart starts pounding, and my breath quickens so much it almost hurts. He moves away, locking eyes with me again. "That's exactly what I want to do to you. For starters."

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now