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I'm hanging out in front of Courtney's dorm, all bundled up in my heavy coat, beanie, gloves, and scarf, but I'm still freezing. The sun's shining bright, but it's not doing much to warm me up. The whole campus is covered in snow, and thank God someone got up at the crack of dawn to shovel the paths.

She's not out yet, and I'm starting to worry. The bell's about to ring, and she's normally on her way to the school entrance by now. My friends keep texting me, wondering where I am.

I ignore the texts. My mind is consumed by Courtney—how she left abruptly yesterday afternoon, the distress in her eyes when her mom called and disrupted our moment. It must have fucked with her head, made her feel like she did something wrong, even though her purity necklace doesn't seem tied to religion, as far as I know.

It's merely a promise she made to herself, not to stray with the first guy she's hot for.

If her commitment held any religious significance, I suppose I'm the one playing the devil, tempting her away from it.

I can't get her off my mind—the way she responds so effortlessly, and the enthusiastic kisses she gives me.

Of course, when Mother popped up on her phone screen while I was in the middle of pleasing her, it totally killed the mood.

My phone vibrates, and annoyed, I give it a look. Another text.

Alejandro: Where the hell are you? Class is about to begin.

Me: I slept in. I'll be there soon, dw abt me.

Alejandro: Lol, someone has to.

Ignoring any reply, I stash my phone, eyes fixed on the dorm doors. I'm almost urging Courtney to show up. As the right door swings open, a wave of relief washes over me. She's all bundled up like me, wearing snow boots, wool tights, and a massive puffer coat. Her hat, the kind with a huge fur puff ball, matches her gloves and scarf, leaving only her pretty face peeking through.

I go unnoticed; she's focused on reaching the campus buildings.


Spotting me, her eyes widen. I approach cautiously, wary of the icy ground beneath my feet.

"Why are you here?" she asks, her tone tinged with unease.

"I need to talk to you," I stop right in front of her, resisting the temptation to embrace her. She seems genuinely scared. "Check in on you after yesterday."

"Oh. Um, I'm fine."

"Is your mom okay?"

"My mom? Oh, she's alright. Just making sure I'm okay. She calls every day since the divorce announcement," she says, lips pressed together, avoiding more on the topic.

"Yep, she sort of... interrupted us," I mention deliberately, circling back to that library moment yesterday. Wondering if it got to her like it did to me. Is she as shaken by the intensity of that encounter? It wasn't even that long, but I'm certain if it lasted any more, I would've made her come.

Given the chance, I would've fucked her against the window. And she'd have relished every moment.

Well, I don't know. She is a virgin.

I totally wanted to fuck her against the window, that's for damn sure.

"Yeah, I know," she mumbles, lowering her head, hair cascading, the fur ball on her hat bouncing. "I'm sorry."

I move closer, sliding my fingers under her chin, lifting her face "You don't need to apologize. You do that a lot."

"I know." She swallows. "I'm trying to break that habit."

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now