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I'm just doing my thing, walking through the school hallways, heading to the dining hall for lunch, when suddenly I hear someone calling my name.

I quickly look back and see that it's Gwen coming towards me, and she looks really resolute.


Man, it feels like everything keeps going wrong, and it's only Tuesday. It really gets on my fucking nerves. And you know what's annoying? Most of it has to do with Courtney.

You know what? It turns out Courtney Barlow is way more than just a pretty face. I always knew that. She's not only smart, but she's also super kind to everyone (well, except maybe me, but I kinda brought shit that on myself). She's got this incredible influence on people, too.

It was definitely surprising when Courtney apologized for what she said to Mr. Todd. I mean, I may have exaggerated a bit too, making it seem like our teacher grilled me about her claims. It wasn't as intense as I made it out to be. I guess I was just trying to make Courtney feel bad, and well, it worked. Although I probably shouldn't have been so surprised by the outcome.

Courtney is just too nice for her own good. Like, seriously, she's so incredibly nice that it's almost unbelievable.

I want her so bad.

Gwen approaches me. "Can we talk?" She says it with a friendly tone. However, there is a subtle hint of dissatisfaction lurking beneath her.

Sounds like she's not too thrilled with me.

What the hell did I do this time? She's got a grudge against us wealthy kids, which is pretty hilarious since she goes to one of the wealthiest private schools in the whole country.

I give her a quick nod, already feeling irritated.

"Let's talk somewhere quieter. It'll only take a sec, I promise."

I go along with her until we're outside, right in front of the main entrance of the school. There aren't many people around during lunchtime, so this is probably the most secluded spot she could've picked.

"What do you want, Gwen?" I ask her, noticing her silence. She seems a bit jumpy, scanning the surroundings as if expecting a surprise attack.

She turns to face me directly, her gaze unwavering. With a serious tone, she utters, "Listen. Lay off Courtney. Stop bothering her and give her some space."

Is she being serious right now? "What're you even talking about?"

Gwen's vibe is intense, like she means business. She gives me a piercing look that could cut through steel.

"You should stop bothering her in class. She doesn't like it. And since you two are partners on the project, she's really unhappy about it. Like, really unhappy," she says.

"Did she say that?" Did she speak to Gwen and vent about how much she couldn't stand working with me? That's fucking insane. They have an on-and-off friendship, too. Gwen was glaring at Courtney in class yesterday.

Girls are insane.

"Yep, she told me yesterday. She was bawling her eyes out, all upset because she couldn't escape being your partner on that project." Her lips thinned. "I did everything I could to comfort Courtney, but she just wouldn't stop crying."

"I can imagine you must have tried your best to comfort her," I respond sarcastically. "Such a situation can be tough to handle."

I know Gwen is telling Courtney things about me, so Courtney won't try to get with me. Everyone knows Gwen doesn't even like Trent anymore and has a massive crush on me.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now