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She has such soft lips. And the way she's gazing at me? It's captivating.

What would her reaction be if I kissed her? Will she be surprised? Will she push me away? Or will she respond by kissing me back?

It sounds like that scenario is pretty unlikely to happen anytime soon.

I take my thumb away from her mouth and place my hand on the desk. She looks at me, her eyes wide and unblinking. "What do you mean?" she asks, sounding surprised.

"I meant exactly what I said, Princess. You are incredibly breathtaking."

She reaches up, brushing shaky fingers against the corner of her lips where I just touched her. "I never really thought of it like that before."

"I'm guessing you don't think you have any beautiful qualities about yourself."

"No, not at all," she shakes her head. "I genuinely don't feel that way."

"Everybody thinks you're beautiful."

She lets out a gentle chuckle. "Sure."

There's just something about this girl that makes me want to let go completely.

"Then that's something you should really keep in mind," I say, making sure to sound casual and keep my tone even.

She sighs and playfully taps her pencil on my arm and says, "Got any other questions for me? Class is almost done."

Man, time flies by so quickly when I'm with her. "Actually, I do have another question."

"Tell me."

"Even though I've brought this up before."

Her face suddenly looks cautious, and she lets out a sigh. "Sure, go ahead. I'll likely give you the same answer as before."

"You never answered it."

"I guess I was a bit rude there. Sorry about that."

This girl.

"Can you pinky promise that you'll answer this time?" I raise an eyebrow playfully.

She holds up her pinky and wraps it around mine. "I swear on our pinky promise!" she says with a smile.

"Okay." I lean in closer, our eyes meeting. "Have you ever experienced a kiss? Come on, Princess, be real with me. I'm so curious."

She lowers her head, her gaze fixed on the desk. "That's not something I'm comfortable discussing with you."

"Someone who hasn't experienced a kiss would respond like that," I say, but she doesn't show any reaction. "Aw, come on. Just answer me. You've never had the pleasure of a sweet kiss?"

Courtney remains silent.

"Lips gently touching and pressing against each other repeatedly?"

She's unresponsive, not offering any words or reactions.

"That initial contact when someone's tongue brushes against yours, sliding smoothly into your mouth? Exploring hands start to wander..." My words float through the air, yet no response stirs. She remains motionless, her head still lowered, hiding her face behind her short, dark hair.

"Then before you know it, hands start guiding themselves under your clothes , brushing against your skin—"

"Wait," she softly murmurs, raising her head and unveiling her rosy cheeks.

"Then tell me. Have you ever been kissed?"

"No, I haven't. Alright? Don't tell anyone."

I really want to kiss her in this moment, but I suppress that feeling. "Would you like a kiss?"

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now