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Walking together, we speed up our pace towards the library. The snow, more like freezing rain, makes the cold unbearable and stinging. At least snow is usually soft.

"Come on," I urge her, placing my hand at the center of her back and urging her to move faster. We run the rest of the way, stopping under the overhang in front of the library. Courtney brushes the top of her head, water droplets flying.

"It's freezing," she says through chattering teeth, and without a second thought, I take her hand, leading her into the library. The warmth inside instantly thaws me out.

"Better?" I ask.

"Yes." She drops her hand, surveying the room. It's one of the original campus buildings, with the musty smell of old books in the air. The ceiling soars high, shelves stacked with countless books that would take years to read.

There's hardly anyone here, probably due to the weather. I rarely visit the library, and I can count on one, maybe two, hands the times I've been here since starting at C. McLean.

"Let's head to the back," I suggest.

She frowns. "Why?"

"So we can have some privacy."

"Why do we need privacy?"

"We're discussing personal stuff, Princess. You want everyone to know your deepest, darkest secrets?"

Her expression transforms into one of distress. "No. But that means I don't want them exposed during our presentation either."

"We'll keep it surface-level. Don't sweat it. C'mon." I nod in the direction I want to head and start walking. She falls into step beside me. "You come here a lot?"

"Not really. I used to more when I was younger. I'd chill in here with my pals, and Miss Steven's would get pissed at us," she says, referring to the librarian. "She'd always hush us."

"She's older than dirt. I bet she's been here for a thousand years."

"Maybe she's a zombie," Courtney suggests.

"More like a vampire," I jest. "Living her best everlasting life."

Courtney grins, and I wish I could witness that more often. She's been so grave, so down in the dumps these past few days. Ever since her folks dropped the bomb that they're getting a divorce.

I think about my own parents and their fucked up relationship. Dad's a jerk who flaunts his affairs, and I'm pretty sure Mom does too. That's why I steer clear of relationships. They're a mess, unnecessary. Eventually, I might have to get married and carry on the family lineage or whatever, but perhaps my brothers will take care of that for me.

My oldest brother Dustin is wrapped up with someone, and it seems pretty serious, pretty swift. Devin is a total player, so he won't settle down anytime soon. Destiny just tied the knot with someone she barely knows, but that dude is cool.

I'm barely eighteen, not in the least intrigued by anything like that.

I do want to have some one-on-one time with Courtney again. Wouldn't mind giving kissing another shot, even though I'm uncertain if she'd be up for it. Lately, she's been so tense. I wish she could go back to how she was last Saturday—open, smiling, and brimming with joy while sharing her love for history. Our talk flowed, and she even admitted some significant things I'm still surprised she shared with me.

After some searching, we locate a vacant round table tucked away in the farthest corner of the library. I head towards it, taking a seat and pulling out the chair beside me for Courtney. She sits down, placing her backpack on the table, her actions deliberate and unhurried.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now