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It's the next day during lunchtime. I'm walking towards a table where some girls from my senior class are sitting. These are girls I've known since sophomore year, but I wouldn't exactly consider them my friends.

We were really tight when we first started hanging out. I was totally new to the group, and they've found me super interesting and cool. I didn't realize it back then, but they thought I was adorable and had great style. I loved their attention.

But things changed. I used to be different, but now they don't really want to hang out with me anymore. They're not even nice to me, even though I'm always polite to them. Gwen used to be part of  the group too, but even that's changed, because she thinks I was trying to get with Trent. Funny considering she likes Duncan instead.

That thing hasn't been mentioned again, and that's totally fine with me. Gwen hasn't said anything for sure, but I heard through the grapevine that she and Trent have called it quits for good.

It was probably best for Gwen and Trent to go their separate ways because Gwen kept trying to get with Duncan. It's tough to see Trent caught in the middle of all this. I feel really bad for him.

I surprise the girls when I sit down at their table without an invitation, but none of them actually say anything to me. Instead, they both give me a look and go back to their conversations.

I dig into the nachos I got from the lunch line, listening in on their nonstop talking. I'm hoping to catch a little something about Duncan that I can use against him in class today.

After I left him in class yesterday, he pretended like I didn't even exist in AP English Literature earlier this morning. He wasn't even standing near in his spot at the front entrance like he always does. I actually missed my everyday glare from Duncan.

I don't really think he's always waiting for me, but sometimes it kind of feels that way...

I'm just minding my own business, quietly munching on my nachos and not really joining in any of the conversations around me. But then, out of the blue, Lindsay goes ahead and asks me a direct question.

"So are you and Doug are finally boyfriend and girlfriend? I always knew you guys liked each other!" She squeals.

I stop chewing for a moment. I swallow my nachos, take a sip of juice, and clear my throat before responding, "We're not a thing."

"He's been asking about you," says Heather.

My fork falls with a loud clatter onto my plate of nachos. "What has he been asking?" It's frustrating that he was prying for information. Why didn't he just come and ask me directly?

Heather and Lindsay exchange a knowing glance before she carries on with her story.

"He wants to more about you. That's really it," Heather says.

"You didn't tell him anything, right?"

"Obviously not. What could we even say? We don't really know much about you, Courtney," Heather says snarkily . She's always been an extremely rude towards me.

I don't waste my time arguing with her. It's just not worth it.

"Whatever, It's not like he's interested in you anyways. Who would be?" Says Heather. "I bet you must love working with him in class." She and Lindsay start to giggle.

I really wanted to tell them about how awful it is working with Duncan, but I know they wouldn't believe me, so I stay quiet.

"I think he and Greta are together again, Heather," says Lindsay once the giggling mostly stopped.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now