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I head back to my dorm room, enjoying the break. But just as I settle in, my phone rings, catching me off guard.

My heart sinks as I see "Mom" appear on my phone screen. It hits me like a ton of bricks that I haven't reached out to her since the school year began.

"I apologize, Mom. The day just slipped away from me," is my response.

Her laughter is comforting, bringing a smile to my face even though I'm still bothered by the Trent and Gwen thing. It was unsettling to be caught up in something like that. "Guess what?  Harvard University contacted me."

My heart soars and drops simultaneously. "Oh," I respond, feeling a mix of emotions.

"Aren't you dying to know what they said?" She asks.

She's super excited for me to go. "Yes, spill the beans!" I say, keeping my voice cheery, just the way she likes it.

"You got accepted into Harvard, Courtney! I'm so proud of you!" She exclaims.

"Wow, that's amazing," I reply, my voice filled with a hint of vulnerability. I sink into the chair at my desk, gazing out the window that offers a view of the campus. I spot Duncan and his friends milling about, but it's hard to distinguish one from another since they're all still in uniform.

"Aw, Sweetheart, you sound a bit down." I can hear the disappointment in her voice. "I thought you were most excited about going to Harvard."

I never actually mentioned that. Whenever she raved about Harvard and their impressive Criminal Law and Justice program, I simply nodded along. But don't get me wrong, I'm really passionate about becoming a lawyer! It would be incredible to work in a courthouse and help aspiring lawyers succeed.

That's my dream, and my parents are aware of it. They support me, but sometimes I feel like they doubt my independence. I think they're just being understanding. As for my mom, I believe her intentions are more about herself than me.

Harvard University is really far away. It's in a different country. Massachusetts, which means I would have to cross over the border between Canada and the United States. But my family and I live in Ontario, where I grew up.

I need to be somewhere close to home.

If my mother has a say in it, it won't ever go down.

"I'm super excited! Seriously, thank you a ton for reaching out to him. I'm really looking forward to seeing what other opportunities come my way!" I put excitement into my voice.

"Does any other college matter? I thought Harvard was it."

No way was I going to tell her about the colleges I applied to, the ones I don't even want to go to. If I let her know, she might make some calls and hook me up or straight up shut down some of those options.

I can't take that chance.

"But it's smart to have some options, Mommy."

"You're absolutely right. It's always good to  have a few options, you know? Having a solid back up plan if Harvard doesn't work out." I can basically envision her nodding her head, totally on board with that idea.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now