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It's been quite a journey getting to know Courtney. She's been peeling back the layers, sharing her secrets with me bit by bit. It's like unwrapping a present, discovering something new every time we talk. Until she's shown her true self, revealing everything, she's now wondering if she should start dating and let guys kiss her.

The mere mention of guys in a plural sense makes me pissed. The idea of any guy kissing her really gets to me.

"It's your call," I say, leaning on the table with my arms crossed. "Are you interested in going out with other guys? Kissing them? Letting them get close to you? It's important to make choices that feel right for you."

"I can't stay a virgin forever, Duncan," she mumbles.

"I mean, you don't have to go out fuck random dude right off the bat," I snap, sounding a bit jealous.

"I don't want to do that," she says right away. "I've been having some thoughts lately, and I've been doing some things too."

She's got me hella curious with that statement. "What kind of things?"

Courtney quickly shakes her head, looking down at the table. "I can't really say."


"Because It's just so embarrassing," she says, sounding miserable.

"Aw, come on, Princess. It's just me. We're in a crowded place. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Promise you won't laugh at me?" she whispers, leaning closer to the table.

"Hey, look at me." She glances up, and I make sure my face shows no judgment. "I promise I won't laugh at you."

I would never tease her. Never again. Especially after she's been so open and vulnerable with me.

"Okay." She lets out a shaky breath and looks up at me. She tilts her head, as if preparing for a battle. "Sometimes when I'm alone, I... oh God, I can't say it out loud."

Her face turns bright red. Whatever she did, she's clearly embarrassed about it. I can only imagine a few things she might have done while alone.

"I...Sometimes when i'm alone, I practice kissing with my mirror..." Her brown eyes widen in embarrassment.

My eye starts twitching when I try not to burst out laughing. "Seriously?"

Her face turns crimson. "What do you mean by that?" she asks.

"Courtney, you're just practicing, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that," I say.

If her cheeks turn any redder, I swear they'll burst into flames.

"Do you want me to be completely honest with you at this moment?" I ask.

"Sure," she murmurs softly.

"I gotta admit, I'm surprised that you shared that with me."

"I am too." Courtney covers her face with her hands and shakes her head. "I just don't know what's up with me."

"I don't mind." She spreads her fingers, revealing her eyes peeking at me. "Keep talking, Princess."

She chuckles, lowering her hands onto the table. "I bet you're into it."

"No worries. Your secret's safe with me, promise."

Her laughter fades away. "I really hope so. It might sound dumb, but I trust you, Duncan. And I trust that you won't spill what I just told you to anyone."

This is my princess's problem—she trusts too easily. I show her a little bit of attention, and she's confessing her secrets. Why she decided to tell me she practices kissing in the mirror, I don't know.

But damn, I'm so grateful because now I'm aware. I won't let that asshole Scott swoop in and be the one to help her explore her sexuality. Knowing how easily I gained her trust, I'm concerned that Scott could have an even easier time. He's known her for longer, and they seemed pretty comfortable talking at school.

I can't let that happen. I gotta find a way to divert her attention and make sure she doesn't go to that dinner tonight.

Izzy comes over with the bill, and I give her my credit card. She takes care of it using her handheld machine, casually chatting with me. But honestly, I'm so distracted. I can't take my eyes off Courtney, who's sitting across from me, smiling shyly and silently mouthing thank you for paying for her lunch.

Buying her more than just a meal was like pure agony, but in the best way possible. Watching her eat, feeding her, and hearing those whispered words of appreciation...

"Time to make our escape," I say as soon as Izzy hands me my credit card and receipt. I quickly stand up, put on my coat and beanie. I was just about to help Courtney with her coat, but she beats me to it. She smoothly slips on her stylish coat, grabs her bag, and heads towards the door.

I join her outside, phone in hand, tapping away at the screen. I quickly send Josh a message, asking him to come pick us up. He's been part of the family for a while now, a super loyal employee. He's always been the quiet type.


Exactly what I'm looking for at this moment.

Josh arrives in no time and I quickly open the door for Courtney. She hops into the backseat and I follow suit, shutting the door behind us.

"Where are we headed?" Josh's eyes meet mine through the rearview mirror.

"Mind taking us for a drive for an hour?" I glance at Courtney and see her already looking at me, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I'm not ready for the afternoon to be over just yet."

Her smile appears, taking its time. It's absolutely stunning. "I don't either."

"Got it," Josh replies, giving a nod. He shifts the car into drive and smoothly merges back onto the street.

"Where are we going?" Courtney asks, her voice gentle.

I could easily come up with a laundry list of corny and inappropriate responses, but I won't go there. This girl, she's something special. She's sweet, kind, and pure, and it's hitting me hard how badly I treated her in the past. Just a few days ago, I was chasing after her, making her beg me not to hurt her. I want to be better for her.

We've come a long way, my princess and I. I don't want to overwhelm her by coming on too forward. But fuck, I want every single part of her. I want to have her completely, body and soul. She's everything to me.

More important than anyone else in the world.

"Where would you like to go?" I ask her, my eyes drawn to her coat. Looks really warm and luxurious. The thickness and quality are quite impressive.

"I'm up for wherever you wanna go," she says, leaning her cheek against the plush black leather seat, gazing at me with those loving eyes. The trust in her brown eyes is so clear, it's both heartwarming and nerve-wracking. I can't help but feel a pang of worry, knowing that if I fuck this up—which I probably will, I'm not great at shit like this—it will hurt her deeply.

That's the absolute opposite of what I want to do.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant