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I haven't felt this thankful for a Friday in ages.

On some Fridays, I used to feel a bit down, missing my family while being away at school. It was tough initially, adapting to boarding school life, sharing a room with someone I hardly knew, and rarely having time to myself. But I persevered, and with time, I grew accustomed to it.

Fridays still hit me hard, especially lately as my friends drift apart. At first, having my own room seemed great, but then I started missing the company of a roommate, even if it was just for small talk.

That's how low I felt just a month ago, maybe even less than that.

Next week we'll have a shorter schedule, so at least there's that to look forward to, with winter break starting the week after.

I wonder if Duncan and I will actually get to see each other during the break.

I hope we do.

I head to the dining hall early to grab a croissant and coffee, and guess who I find in line? Gwen. She ditches the queue as soon as she sees me, coming over for a big hug.

"Gosh, I'm sorry I didn't text you. Yesterday was just rough," Gwen apologizes.

I gradually step back, scanning the room and noticing curious looks as people openly watch us. "Wanna talk somewhere more private?"

She shakes her head. "I'd really want to pretend that none of this is happening."

I feel like arguing with her to explain that it might not be the healthiest way to handle the situation.

"Are you still into Duncan?" She gives me a pointed glance, indicating she's talking about the Duncan and Bridgette drama.

The gossip has calmed a bit since yesterday, but there are still murmurs in the hallways and chuckles in class. Humanities and Social Science was unbearable yesterday, especially with Gwen glaring at Duncan the whole time. She completely ignored DJ's attempts at conversation. Meanwhile, Geoff couldn't resist throwing insults at Duncan every chance he got.

It was a nightmare.

Facing that mess again is inevitable, but at least I've got Duncan with me, glowering at them all. He's pretty intimidating when he's mad.

It's kinda hot.

I shouldn't be attracted to that, but I am.

"I swear the rumors aren't true," I tell Gwen, feeling her disapproving frown. "He didn't meet Bridgette on purpose. It was just a coincidence."

"Oh, Courtney. Is that was he told you?"

She's pretending to be sorry for me, I can tell. It's kind of amusing. She just wants Duncan for herself.

"I have my reasons for trusting him," I retort, my tone snarky. I feel defensive, and I don't appreciate it. "Just like you have your own reasons for your... situation."

That shuts her up for the rest of our time in line. After I order my coffee and croissant, I join her, and we wait for our names to be called.

"You think I'm dumb, don't you?" Gwen says, looking anywhere but at me.

"What do you mean?"

She turns toward me. "You know, what you said about me having my reasons for believing him. My situation is different from yours, Courtney. I'm in love with him. Things are serious between us, but you've got the hottest guy in class pursuing you, when he's supposed to be mine," she says, her nose wrinkling in frustration.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now