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I start running after her, filled with determination. I'm getting closer to Courtney, and I notice her steps slowing down as she looks around.

"Princess!" I shout her nickname at her and she quickly looks back at me, fear in her eyes.

She messed up by looking at me. It made her slow down and lose focus when she saw how close I was.

Her hesitation worked in my favor. I catch up to her, grab her waist and pin her on the side of the building.

Courtney lets out a loud howl, swinging her clenched fists towards me. Thankfully, she narrowly face and instead hits my shoulder. "Let me go!" she demands.

"Calm down princess." She tries to break free from my grasp, so I quickly move my arm up and tighten my hold.

"Duncan let me go!!"

I loosen my grip. Then she goes for it, attempting to break free from my arms and make her escape.

I pin her against the wall again.

Courtney freezes, her breaths coming in irregular gasps, her chest heaving up and down. But I don't release my grip on her.

It feels like I'm unable to let go.

"What... what do you want from me?" Her voice is shaking, and her whole body is trembling.

"What do you think?" I ask, my voice taking on a darker, more suggestive tone. The way I'm holding her, the tension in my grip, it's all giving her a clear indication of what I'm hinting at.


I quickly glance behind me and spot Geoff making his way towards us. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. With a single shake of my head and a glare, I silently signal to him that he should back off. He gets the message and promptly turns on his heel, walking back towards Alejandro. They move far enough away from us that they won't be able to hear our conversation.

"Please, Duncan, just let me go," Courtney pleads, her voice filled with torment. I can see the anguish written all over her beautiful face, almost as if it's about to collapse with pain.

"Don't worry, Princess, I might have to keep an eye on you after witnessing that."

"I won't tell anyone, I promise," she immediately replies.

"No way, we can't risk it at this point. They're super strict here, Court." I give her arm a little squeeze and she lets out a soft whine. "If anyone catches me drinking on campus, it's game over for me."

Courtney stays silent, her body shaking with shivers.

"You have so much control right now," I whisper, leaning in closer to her ear, my lips almost touching her skin. "You could completely destroy me."

She shakes her head, her smooth hair brushing against my face. "I-I won't mess things up for you or your friends. I didn't even get a good look at what you were doing."

"Don't lie to me," I say, keeping my other arm in place as my fingers gently graze her cheeks, right next to her lips. It would be so easy for me to kiss her in front of my friends. "You definitely saw us."

"I mean...you guys were drinking something."

She must've known exactly what we were drinking. "You're gonna have to forget what you saw, okay?"


"You gotta promise, Princess," I say, my hand sliding down and playfully tugging at the collar of her shirt.

"Please don't do anything to me, Duncan," she pleads.

What the fuck? She thinks I want to hurt her? Right here? "I won't do anything to you that you don't want," I assure her. I lean in closer, my lips gently brushing against her earlobe, causing her to shiver.

"You're gross," she says with disdain.

"If I lean in and kiss you right now, would you actually kiss me back?" I can't believe it. She might be scared of me, but deep down, She wants me too. I can just sense it.

She lets out a deep, exasperated groan, clearly frustrated. "Why do you say things like that?" She asks, her tone filled with annoyance and irritation.

"Because it's against everything you stand for. And because you secretly enjoy it way too much," I say, running my thumb gently across her lips, longing to kiss them.

"You know what? You're actually right," She concedes.

She says it so softly, almost like a whisper, that I almost didn't catch her words.

I'm taken aback this time. "Oh, really? Is that how it is, Princess?" I respond, a hint of playful disbelief in my voice.

She stays silent, her breaths still quick and her body trembling, but there's a noticeable shift in her demeanor. She doesn't appear as frightened as she was just a few minutes ago.

"I don't like you," she snaps, her voice filled with a sharpness that contrasts with the usual sweetness of our dear Courtney.

"Got it," I whisper in her ear, a smirk playing on my lips as I feel a shiver run through her. "I don't really like you either, but I can't say that I enjoy holding you close."

"So this is how you do this, huh? Gotta push girls around to get what you want?"

"I don't gotta make girls do shit, including you."

"Fine, let me go then. Let's see if I'll stay," she sneers.

"No way," I say, tightening my grip on her. "You'll run straight to Headmaster McLean's office and tell him everything. I can't take that risk."

"I already said I won't tell anyone. Come on, Duncan. Please, just let me go," she pleads. I'd enjoy begging too, but not right now.

"Fine, let's make a deal."

"What kind of deal?" she asks, her body tensing up as caution seeps into her voice.

"I just can't shake this feeling that you might snitch on us. Worst case scenario, you'll run straight to Gwen, and I really don't want to deal with her shit. So, it looks like I'll have to keep a close eye on you, following your every move."

She lets out an annoyed sound. "That's so silly and impossible. Plus, I already gave you my word."

"I don't care, you're not trustworthy."

"I swear, I won't tell anybody!" she practically shouts. "What's in it for me to do something like that?"

"Trying to eliminate me from school just so you never have to deal with me again. Sounds like a dream come true, huh? Don't even bother denying it. I can sense the strong disdain you have for me radiating from your very being."

The bell rings, its sound barely audible, and she attempts to pulls away from my grasp. "Let me go. We've got class."

"It's okay to be late."

"No, I'm never late to class. I never skip either."

"Yeah, you actually do. We all saw you leaving Todd's class early yesterday," I remind her.

"Oh, that was a whole different situation. And it was totally your fault!"

"Im not responsible for what you do," I say, gently caressing her cheeks. I notice how she starts to relax against me. "Like I said, we gotta make a deal, Princess."

"No, let me go!" Courtney stomps on my foot, catching me off guard. I let out a yelp as she breaks free, running away without a single glance back.

I watch her run, not even caring about the pain in my toes. When she admitted that she both hated and liked what I said, I was taken aback.

Definitely gonna find out more about that.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now