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The whole weekend, I was in such agony, thinking about Courtney with Scott, that asshole. Out for dinner Saturday night, laughing and joking, completely forgetting about me.

Because that's exactly how it feels. She didn't reach out at all. Not even after we dropped her off and she hurried inside without looking back. And not on Sunday when I tried calling her.

I only called her once. Nelsons don't chase or beg.

Courtney can come to me.

Monday morning rolls around, and there I am, in my usual spot by the school entrance. Geoff and Alejandro are on either side of me, and Heather's there too, giving me the occasional glare. Alejandro's venting about his parents, while I wait for my princess to arrive.

Nothing has changed, just like before.

Though I think I've changed, even though no one notices. That time I kissed Courtney in the car, the sounds she made, how she responded, the taste of her mouth, and the playful tease of her tongue—I can't get it out of my head.

She's stuck in my thoughts.

"You're in quite a bad mood this morning," Alejandro suddenly says, his words directed straight at me.

"Yeah," Geoff agrees.

"I've barely said a word," I mutter, leaning against the wall, anxiously waiting for a specific someone to show up.

"You don't need to. Your negativity is like a tangible shadow, casting its presence around you," Alejandro remarks.

"Wow, you really know how to paint a picture with words," Heather says, her eyes admiring Alejandro. "Why haven't we gone out yet?"

Alejandro smirks, meeting Heather's gaze. "I guess we've been missing out on something special. Let's change that."

Heather lightly chuckles, her laughter slightly irritating. "Wanna skip first period? Head back to my dorm room?"

"Absolutely," Alejandro says with a hint of eagerness in his voice. "Let's just wait a few moments."

"Aw, why?" Heather pouts, her impatience evident. "I really want to go now."

Alejandro can't bring himself to admit that he wants to flaunt Heather's affection for him. Instead, he just smiles and kisses her, which makes me feel queasy.

"Where's your princess?" Geoff asks with a sneer. "Is that already a done deal?"

"It never kicked off to begin with," I lie, not wanting to admit the truth.

"I thought you'd be keeping an eye on our scapegoat, making sure she keeps quiet." Alejandro raises an eyebrow. "Is there cause for concern?"

"I've got this under control," I snap, frustrated by his lack of faith in me.

"You better," he grumbles. "I can't risk getting expelled. It would fuck up everything."

I brush him off, my eyes fixated on the gorgeous face that unexpectedly pops up.

There's Courtney, strolling down the walkway towards the school entrance, by herself this time. No entourage of adoring freshman girls in sight. I resist the urge to push off the wall and go to her, forcing myself to stay put as she comes closer.

She walks towards me with a hesitant pace, her face filled with uncertainty. For the longest time, she avoids making eye contact, and I can't help but keep my eyes fixed on her. I admire her pretty dark brown eyes, pouty lips, and the way she wears her hair in a low ponytail with a green ribbon tied in a bow. She's wearing the same thick coat she had on last Saturday.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora