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2 days later

As the class concludes, some kids go to sit with their friends. I was in the middle of a conversation with Duncan when Trent walks up to my desk.

"Courtney," Trent stops right beside my desk, and I look up at him. "Can we talk?"

Without awaiting my reply, he proceeds to his desk, and I trail behind, not daring to look back at Duncan. I'm certain I can tell the expression on his face from behind me.

Irritation. Displeasure.

It's Wednesday, dealing with all the changes in my life. My mother calls every night, asking about my day in that soothing way of hers. I keep my responses short, not really sure how to talk to her or what to share.

She's concerned about me since the divorce news. I guess I should find it endearing, but there's a part of me that feels like she's just trying to play it safe. Daddy sent me a text on Monday to check in, but other than that, I haven't heard from him.


Then there's Duncan.

He's always on my mind, though I remind myself it might not go anywhere. Every night, I replay the way he kissed me in the back seat of the car before bedtime. I ponder what could happen between us if I continue to see him. His sweetness at the gallery and during lunch made it feel like a date with a guy who might genuinely like me.

My parents messed everything up. The divorce revelation left me hesitant about the prospect of a potential relationship with Duncan—or anyone, really. The dinner at the Lantz's that night was a total letdown. Scott attempted to engage me in conversation, flirt even, but I was so distant, unusually frosty. I couldn't shake off thoughts of Duncan and his caution about Scott, along with my parents' attempts to arrange a future with him.


Since that intense kiss in the empty classroom on Monday, Duncan hasn't made any inappropriate moves, and I can't shake this feeling...

I feel disappointed.

I still hold onto that sentiment because the last thing I need is a possible relationship messing with my mind. I doubt I have the emotional bandwidth to handle something so intense right now.

And the way Duncan makes me feel is incredibly overpowering.

I still desire his kisses, or for him to hold my hand, give me a hug. There's comfort in his embrace. He's warm, sturdy, and he smells amazing.

"Courtney?" Trent is seated at his desk, and here I am, feeling like a complete fool.

I walk to his desk and I press my lips together, determined not to offer an apology.

I say sorry way too much for the littlest stuff. Why should I apologize now? Just because I always do? That's not a good enough reason anymore.

I really gotta start standing up for myself.

"Everything okay?" I ask Trent once I'm in an empty desk beside him.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," he leans his arm on the desk, lowering his voice. "I can sense something's on your mind."

He's way too observant.

"I'm okay..?"

"Is someone giving you a hard time?" He glances toward where Duncan is seated. I look past Trent, finding Duncan glowering at both of us, his gaze unyielding. It's as if he's not bothered by being caught staring, like he couldn't care less. "Remember, I can have a talk with him if you'd like."

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now