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I step out of the car, feeling the freezing air on my cheeks. It's so cold, even with the sun out. I realize I'm not dressed appropriately for this weather. I run my hands over leather lace up skirt my mom got me a while ago, which I never wore. I have no idea why she thought I'd like them.

But today, I woke up with a fresh mindset. I want to try new things and step out of my comfort zone. I'm not sure what those things are yet, but one of them is seeking independence. That's why I decided to wear a leather skirt, which feels bold, and a white cropped wool sweater that shows my belly button. Usually, I'd avoid an outfit like this because I don't want to attract attention to myself.

Only attention I want is from someone with daring blue eyes and a pretentious smile on his face.

God, I feel like such a disaster right now.

"When you're all set and ready to head out, just call me or shoot me a text." The driver hands me a business card with his phone number on it, "I'll be here when you're ready to leave, miss."

"Thanks a bunch!" I give him a grateful smile and accept the card, observing as he closes the door. "I really appreciate it."

I walk towards the entrance of the museum, stepping inside. A friendly assistant welcomes me, a girl who seems just a year younger than me. Her light brown eyes light up with curiosity as she takes a closer look at me.

"Hey there! Welcome! Can I grab your coat for you?"

"Good morning," I say to her as she assists me in taking off my black fur coat. "Thanks."

She looks at me intently, her eyebrows furrowing. "Wait, aren't you Taylor Barlow's daughter?"


"Oh, it's amazing to meet you!" she exclaims with enthusiasm. "I'm Zoey."

"Hi, Zoey." I say, shaking her hand. "I'm Courtney, nice to meet you."

"Is your mom coming with you this morning?" Zoey asks with a hopeful tone.

"Unfortunately, no. She had other plans" The disappointment on Zoey's face is obvious. "That's too bad. I'm so glad you're here though. Are you a fan of Mia's?"

Mia Davis is the archaeologist who's showcasing her discoveries in the museum. Her latest find is a 3000 year old bronze sword she found in Germany.

"I am," I say as I look around the exhibit. It's not too crowded this morning, but that's probably because I decided to show up right after the showcase opened. "I'm hoping to stumble upon the perfect artifact to add to my collection."

Zoey has a big smile on her face. "That's amazing! She's already sold a couple of artifacts, but there are still plenty more to pick from," she says.

"I really wish I could've made it to the opening too, but unfortunately, I'm stuck in school during the week, so it didn't work out," I confess.

"Oh, the opening was absolutely fantastic! It was even more special because Mia brought her charming fiancé, who happens to be a renowned genealogist. He was beaming with pride for her," Zoey excitedly shares. "They were such a lovely couple to witness.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now