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I strongly hate being humiliated in front of the entire class, and that's exactly what Duncan just did. While I don't mind attention, it's important to me that it's positive rather than negative.

What he just did felt did not feel positive. Almost mocking. Pushing me to the side, so we could share his desk chair, even for that short while, had been weirdly...


He's like a solid rock, with hard muscles and warm skin. He's got broad shoulders, a wide chest, and strong arms. When we were so close, his arm draped behind me and across the back of the chair, it felt like I was almost in a safe place with Duncan Nelson. I really enjoyed it. I think I love having him close to me. My heart always race with him being so near.

My heart still is racing.

I plop down in my seat, plopping my book on my desk, and I'm too focused on Mr. Todd, who's finishing up attendance. Suddenly, I feel this weird tingly sensation on the back of my neck, and I have to resist the urge to spin around and see who's staring at me.

In that moment, I could sense his penetrating gaze fixed upon me. With caution, I discreetly turned my head to steal a glance, only to find his eyes solely focused on me, ignoring everyone else.

Then he smiles. At me.

It's like the whole world stops for a moment. My heart skips a beat, and this rush of euphoria washes over me. It's as if a whole garden of butterflies takes flight in my stomach, their delicate wings fluttering and creating this tingling sensation that spreads throughout my entire body. It's like pure magic.

Just from a quick smile.

What on Earth is going on with me?

"Alrighty then! Time to find our partners and get this show on the road, am I right?" Mr. Todd's eyes lock onto mine, his eyebrows arching in surprise. I give a shy nod, feeling a bit embarrassed for being singled out once more. "Let's get down to business and start working!"

I head back to where Duncan is sitting, and let me tell you, he's slouched in his chair like he couldn't care less. His face screams boredom, and his body language practically screams, "I'd rather be anywhere else right now."

I casually step over his feet and take a seat in the desk next to Duncan, the one that Geoff just left behind. "So, did you happen to get anything ready for today?" I inquire, already aware of what his response will likely be.

"Nah, Princess " he lifts his eyes to meet mine. "You?"

I give a nod and open up my notebook, revealing the list of questions I scribbled down earlier today. "I actually came up with a few questions," I share with a hint of excitement.

His eyes lit up as he leans forward. "Go ahead."

I give him a weird look, totally caught off guard by his actions. I just don't get this guy. I mean, I wouldn't exactly be thrilled to hear any questions he has for me.

"They're just easy questions—" I begin, but he quickly shakes his head, interrupting me.

"Things are never easy with you, Princess. I have this feeling that you're gonna try to decode me instead of asking how my time was with this adorable baby doll."

He's spot on, not that I think I stand a chance, especially with the limited time we have for this project.

Trying to understand Duncan Nelson and what makes him tick will likely take months, maybe even years.

"That's our job," I emphasize, leaning forward. He glances down, his eyes lingering on my chest, and it dawns on me a moment too late that my breasts are practically resting on the desk.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now