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I walk through the quiet school halls, struggling to hold back the tears, but they won't stop. Thankfully, there's hardly anyone here to witness my tears since school ended nearly half an hour ago.

I stuck around after class, like I said, and talked to Mr. Todd again. I tried explaining why I couldn't work with Duncan, but he didn't listen. He didn't seem mean, but he didn't care that Duncan was disrespectful and uninterested in the project.

And I'm still stuck dealing with his presence.

His hateful attitude and mocking stare are unbearable. His vulgar language and penetrating gaze make me despise him the most.

I quickly wipe away more tears, sniffing loudly as I try to compose myself.


I look over and see Trent standing in the doorway of the school entrance, catching my attention.

I freeze in my tracks, hoping I don't seem too upset. "Oh. Hi, Trent."

He takes a few steps towards me, his brows knitting together in a worried expression. "Are you good?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"I'm alright." I manage a smile, but deep down, my chin trembles, threatening to unleash a flood of tears. "I just had a really tough time today."

"What happened?"

I don't want to burden him with my issues with Duncan, but as soon as he shows genuine concern and asks, I can't help but open up and start sharing.

And I keep going, not stopping until I've spilled all the details of what went down in Mr. Todd's class, carefully omitting the more embarrassing moments, like when Duncan asked if I've ever had a boyfriend.

Like it's any of his concern. Plus, the truth is no, and if I admitted that, he'd mock me and spread it around to his buddies. Soon, everyone will know that Courtney Barlow is boyfriendless and hasn't experienced a single kiss.

I hate feeling dumb for doing what I think is best for me. Duncan shouldn't judge me for not having a boyfriend or not having sex. Just because he sleeps around doesn't make him better than me.

My throat felt parched, my heart raced, and our eyes met, as if he sensed his impact on me.

I push away the idea and shift my attention to Trent, who listens with concern. As I share my story, he gives my arm a reassuring pat and lets out a deep breath.

"I can talk to Duncan for you if you'd like."

"I don't think you should."

"Let me talk to him for you. Maybe he'll listen," he says, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. "You shouldn't have to deal with Duncan's torment."

His understanding words bring such immense relief that I feel like crying all over again. "I'm really overwhelmed right now. So much is going on," I admit.

"But thanks." I grin at Trent, my surprise turning to shock as he pulls me into a tight hug.

It's kind of awkward and strange, since he has a girlfriend and because he's a boy. I try to let go quickly. I take a shaky breath and tuck my hair behind my ear. Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice yelling.

"Trent! What the hell are you doing?"

We both look at the door and see Gwen standing there, mouth wide open, her pale face turning red. She locks eyes with me, glaring with pure hatred.

"Gwen," he says calmly. "Take it easy. It's not what you think."

Gwen scoffs and walks toward us. "Oh, please. It's exactly what I thought."

I let go of Trent, eager to make my escape. "I should go—"

"Yes, leave. Walk away, you fucking home-wrecker," Gwen spits out, her voice dripping with pure venom. "Go steal someone else's man."

I cringe as she drops the F-word, quickly glancing at Trent, but he doesn't even notice me.

He's laser-focused on Gwen, his fists tightly clenched, like he's attempting to maintain a composed facade. "Watch your language, Gwen."

I don't get why I have to keep seeing this crap anymore.

"Um, I'll give you guys some space to chat privately." I make my way out, feeling invisible to Gwen's gaze.

Even Trent doesn't even notice me as I leave the room. They're completely absorbed in each other.

They're in their own world, and I want no part in it.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I'm planning on making chapters 6 and 7 wayy longer then this one. =)

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now