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Normally, I don't do things like this.

Like plan a weekend getaway with a girl I'm into.

When I hang out with a girl, it's usually at a party or some social event, always with a bunch of people around. It's hardly ever one-on-one—until I find a way to sneak her off to a quiet spot where we can hook up. I've had loads of moments like that, and they usually leave me feeling pretty satisfied.

My older brothers, Dustin and Dylan, showed me that getting girls is easy, especially with our family name. And they were right. Once they know you're a Nelson, girls come flocking without hesitation. With that kind of influence, there's no reason to commit to just one person when there are so many options out there.

Yet, there's Courtney.

I couldn't stand her, maybe because deep down, I knew I was into her, and there was nothing I could do about it. I'm not the type Courtney would consider dating. I'm the guy her mother warned her about, and she had every reason to avoid me.

But that's changed now.

And somehow, we're hopelessly entangled with each other.

She's always on my mind, in my dreams. With her sweet smiles, soft words, and those mesmerizing brown eyes. And that killer body, hidden under her uniform.

The fact that I'm the only one who's ever made her come ignites me with this unfamiliar, downright possessive feeling. She was untouched. Pure.

Until me.

I can't stand the thought of another guy even looking at her, let alone speaking to her. When Alejandro disrespected her a while ago, I was ready to beat the shit out of him.

It's fortunate that Geoff got him before I had the chance to.

And his words were essentially innocent.

I'm not used to feeling like this—completely fixated on one girl, constantly wondering what she's up to, how she's feeling, and where she might be.

Having those damn rumors spread around campus about me hooking up with Bridgette really got to me. I knew they were hurting Courtney, but I couldn't just come out and say I was meeting with her instead. Courtney's a good person, never gets into trouble.

I won't let myself be the reason she falls.

Thankfully, the chaos of the past few days is finally coming to an end. I spent most of the day in the schools lounge, either being grilled by the student press or waiting for my turn. Bridgette was interviewed first, and she remained tight-lipped despite their relentless questioning.

How do I know this? Shit, I was sitting right outside the room, and I could hear them really laying into her. No matter what they said, she remained steadfast and refused to give in.

They attempted to do the same with me, making me out to be the liar, but I stood my ground. Bridgette only came clean when her mother arrived.

Then they brought in Alejandro, rolling him in a wheelchair. Geoff, it turned out, had fractured his spine. And that's when everything really went haywire.

They're probably going to expel Alejandro from school this weekend. He's in deep shit. I wonder if he's even aware of what's coming his way.

That's partly why I want to get out of here. I'm just exhausted by it all. Done with the drama that I got pulled into without even realizing it. If it were up to me, I'd never have to see Alejandro, Bridgette, or Gwen again.

Clearing my head of the messed-up situation, I reach for my phone and dial my oldest brother, Dustin.

"What the hell do you want?" he grunts, answering the phone.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now