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I head to my first period, AP English Literature. Only 12 students are in the class, including Duncan. I've had a few classes with him but never sat next to him or talked to him directly. He intimidates me.

He obviously doesn't like me, based on how he stares at me every morning in front of the school.

I try my best to avoid looking at him, but sometimes I accidentally catch a glimpse of his cold, disapproving gaze.

All I see is pure disdain and repulsion.

I hurry down the hallway towards the English class, excited to arrive early and claim my spot in the front row next to the window. When my friend Gwen enters the class, I always make sure she sits next to me, so we can avoid anyone unpleasant, like Duncan.

I walk into the classroom and freeze when I see Trent Cooper hugging a girl. It's a student. Her hair is a black and blue color, colors I know well. When she sees me, she quickly lets go.

It's Gwen Stone, my best friend. Tears stain her face as she sniffs and squints at me. "Hey, Courtney."

I rush over to her and give her a hug. "Gwen, are you okay?"

"I'm good," she sniffs. But it's obvious that she's not doing well at all. "Me and Trent are having a little relationship problem, and we were just talking it out."

"Oh Gwen.."

I can't stand her boyfriend, Trent. He thinks he and Gwen are unstoppable together, and I think she might be losing feelings for him.

The rest of the students come in, talking loudly as they chat with each other. I sit at my desk and grab my binder and pencil, getting ready for class. Gwen sits next to me, keeping her eyes on Trent the whole time.

Duncan and Geoff walk into the classroom right before the teacher shuts the door. Our eyes meet, his teal eyes locking onto my brown ones, and I find myself staring at him a bit too long.

Trent, who sits behind Gwen, taps on my shoulder. "Hey Court, pass this to Harold, will you?" He hands me a paper with scribbly handwriting.

I grab the note and pass it to Harold. Gwen has her headphones in and notices Trent talking to me. "What the hell does he want with you?"

I look at Gwen, and she's giving me a suspicious look. "Trent?"


"He just wanted me to pass a note to Harold."

Gwen shakes her head. "He's probably gossiping to Harold about what you've seen with me and Trent."

Now I'm confused. "What did I see?" I kind of get what she's saying. She's been with Trent for a month, and Gwen has been keeping her relationship a secret.

She looks around and leans in toward me. "Us hugging," she whispers. She looks behind her at Trent and gives him a seductive smirk. He blushes a deep red.

"Why are you keeping your guys' relationship a secret anyway? It's not like it matters to people," I say. Gwen's smirk immediately drops.

She folds her arms and glares at me. "Courtney, you can be a real bitch sometimes." I flinch at her poor choice of words. I hate it when people curse around me.

And now I feel a bit hurt. "You think I'm a b-word?"

"Most definitely." Gwen twirls her pencil. "You're like, perfect at everything. And you expect everyone else to be too, which is impossible. You have straight A's, and everyone loves you. Plus, all the freshmen idolize you."

"So that's what you think of me." I sigh.

Fake friends.

Me and Gwen don't say a word to each other for the rest of the class period. Once the bell rings, she grabs her stuff and practically sprints out the door, leaving Trent.

I go out of my chair and head to the door. From the corner of my eye, I see Duncan staring into my soul; that looks like pure hatred. He moves past me without saying a word. Figures.

"Courtney wait!" I turn around and see Trent coming up to me.

"What do you need, Trent? I'm kind of busy."

He hesitates. "Gwen has been kind of distant lately, and I don't want to seem suspicious or anything, but I think Gwen doesn't love me anymore. What should I do?"

I knew Gwen had lost feelings for him.

"I'm not speaking to Gwen anymore, Trent. I think you should handle your own issues." He is surprised by my response.

He shrugs. "Oh. Thanks. I guess. I thought I could come to you for advice, but clearly I was wrong. Bye Courtney." He pushes past me and walks out the door.

Whatever. I didn't like him anyways.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now