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Courtney honestly seems terrified of me. When she quickly went to Mr. Todd's desk, I knew she was trying to avoid working with me. It made me so mad to see everyone else finding their project partners while I was left alone.

She's making me feel so fucking stupid, and why? Just because she thinks I'll be mean to her? Doesn't she see that she's only making things worse? She's too caught up in her own fear to realize the mess she's created.

"Let's sit in the front. I want Mr. Todd to see us working together nicely." Courtney's beauty shines, even if she's a bit reserved.

"I'd rather sit in the back." I point towards my desk, which sits empty. She turns her head, studying the empty desks surrounding mine.

"Alright, back it is, then." She glances at the vacant desks around me, her shoulders drooping in resignation.

I feel a rush of excitement as I see her grab the back of flour and her backpack. My eyes glance down at her legs. She's wearing a skirt that is normal length instead of her usual super long skirt, and she has black socks with a cross imprinted on them.

She's definitely switching things up. I trail behind her, admiring her confident posture and sleek, straight brown hair. The front pieces pulled back with a cute white bow give her a youthful charm. I can't help but wonder if she's ever had a boyfriend.

Definitely not.

She gracefully takes a seat next to me, letting the sack of flour land on the desk with a satisfying thud.

"So what's next, princess?"


"You act like a princess." She has that princess-like quality, captivating attention wherever she goes. Even when she complains, her voice has a gentle and melodious tone.

"And you're such a Neanderthal. Should I start calling you that?" She rolls her eyes.

She surprises me with her sense of humor, too. I never expected that. She's always so passionate about her causes on campus, like the struggles of young, wealthy women. It may not interest me as much, but she really cares about those freshman girls.

"You can be really fucking annoying," I say.

She doesn't hold back, giving me a fierce glare with those piercing doe eyes. "You're absolutely disgusting."

"Oops, my bad! I totally forgot that I shouldn't use any naughty words," I mock.

She's so annoying.

"Swear words aren't necessary to get a point across. We can express ourselves without them." She rolls her eyes. Why does she always roll her eyes?

"Fuck. Bitch. Shit. Ass. What are you going to do about it, Princess?"

She scowls, and it's cute. "No shocker there. You and your friends are extremely vulgar."

"You're quite a bitch, aren't you?"

Courtney glares at me, looking hurt. "You're the second person to call me the B word today. It stings."

Hmm, maybe she should see that as a hint. When she stays silent, I go on, "Maybe you're a tad bitchy."

"Seriously? You don't know anything about me!"

She's right. I don't.

"This won't work." She stands up, shaking all over. Her hands ball up into fists. "I won't be your partner."

I look up at her, shocked. "You're calling it quits already? Seriously?"

"Wouldn't you prefer partnering up with Gwen instead?"

"No way." I make a face. " She's superficial, annoying, and doesn't care about anyone but herself and her ugly boyfriend.

"That reminds me of you." She speaks with a haughty and cool tone. "You two should hit it off. Weren't you guys dating?"

"We hooked up like once. It didn't really mean anything." Courtney's face looked so offended, I was worried she might start crying. Me and Gwen weren't even a thing.

"You're disgusting, Duncan Nelson."

"Nah, Princess, it's all part of being a hormonal teenager. Exploring and experimenting are normal. But hey, have you ever had a boyfriend?

"I don't think it matters."

She definitely never had a boyfriend.

I spot DJ, enduring Gwen's endless chatter about her dull life. But he doesn't seem miserable. He's the one who took Courtney to homecoming last year. They were probably a snooze fest together.

Jealousy creeps in, but I push it aside. Why should I be jealous of DJ? Just because he got to dance, touch, and have her attention all night?

"You never dated DJ?"

Courtney rolls her eyes once again. "No"

"He didn't even try to make a move on you at homecoming." I bet that's what she was hoping for—all dreamy and romantic. But DJ doesn't strike me as the romantic type.

"Wait, how did you know DJ took me to homecoming? Did he mention it before?"

"It's a small school. Of course you know who I went with."

"Gwen," she blurts out, quickly biting her lip as soon as the words escape her mouth. "I only know you went with her because we're friends."

Well, maybe me and you can become friends, Princess," I propose.

"Nah, not gonna happen. As I said, I'm going to talk to Mr. Todd after class," she says, throwing her backpack on her shoulder. "Get ready to be paired with Gwen tomorrow."

"See you later, Princess," I tell her as she walks away.

She doesn't glance back in my direction.

Whatever she thinks she's going to say to change his mind, it won't work. Mr. Todd has already made up his mind. This is how it's gonna go.

Courtney's just going to have to deal with it.

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now