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We're both silent the whole way back to class. Even though he doesn't speak, I can sense some strong emotion coming from him.

I don't really care what's bothering him.

As soon as we step into the classroom, I head straight to Mr. Todd's desk. When our eyes meet, my expression turns apologetic.

"I apologize for abruptly leaving," I whisper. "And I'm sorry for my moodiness; it's not justified."

He lets out a sigh and places his hands gently on his desk. "Don't worry, Courtney."

"I've been thinking about it, and if you want to change your partner to DJ for this project, you can," he says.

I turn and blink at him, completely surprised. "Seriously?"

"Yes, I can see that being around Duncan makes you really uncomfortable."

Yeah, he really does make me uncomfortable. He ran after me and made threats to me. I should definitely let Mr. Todd know right away about what happened and how much it shook me up.

But then I'd have to explain why he ran after me and what I witnessed. That would lead to their expulsion, and I'd blame myself for it.

I don't want the boys to hate me more than they already do.

"Have you spoken to DJ about switching partners?" I ask him.

"Well, not yet. But Gwen also approached me, asking for a new partner, and she mentioned wanting to team up with Duncan. It's hard to see you so unhappy." He looks at me knowingly. "You seem like you've been in tears."

"I'm good." I shrug, then quickly glance behind me to catch Gwen attempting to talk to Duncan, who's trying to ignore her. Meanwhile, Alejandro shoots me a look of annoyance. I refocus on my teacher. "I don't want to change partners."

"Are you sure you don't want to switch?"

"For sure." I give a determined nod, sticking to my decision. Plus...

I don't want Duncan partnered up with Gwen. It'll make her feel victorious, and I don't want that.

"If you're gonna continue being partners with Duncan, I can't handle these daily emotional breakdowns. You get me?"

"Yes, Mr. Todd." I lower my head, feeling a bit embarrassed. Usually, I don't let things get under my skin like this. But honestly, not many people dare to mess with me. I have my loyal followers who respect my opinions, and anyone who doesn't agree with my values tends to keep their distance.

But then there's Duncan. He just can't seem to leave me alone, and it's so annoying.

But there's a tiny part of me that doesn't completely dislike it. It's like a hidden feeling that stirred inside me when he touched me. Even though I should have felt disgusted or scared when he held me back and touched my cheek, I wasn't.

It was like an exciting rush, just knowing that he might actually be interested in me. I could hear it in the way he spoke and feel it in his touch.

It was like, in that moment, he did want me. Even if it was just for a quick second.

"Alrighty then. Off you go, time to get to work," Mr. Todd encourages. I walk away from his desk and head towards the back of the classroom, where Duncan is seated, with Gwen in the desk next to him.

"So, are we gonna switch partners?" Gwen asks with a cheerful tone, her eyes shifting towards Duncan.

He's not even looking her way. His attention is solely fixated on me.

"No," I reply, shaking my head, unable to look away from Duncan.

"Mr. Todd is such an ass," Gwen grumbles quietly while slipping out of her seat and making her way to the vacant desk next to DJ.

I sit down in the chair Gwen just left, trying to hold back my excitement. I toss my backpack on the floor, unzip it, and grab my notebook and pencil, placing them neatly on the desk.

"Let's get to work," I tell Duncan.


School gets pretty boring for the rest of the week. Not much going on, just getting ready for finals and projects before winter break. I make sure to avoid Gwen and never find myself alone with her in English class. I even arrive late, but my seat is always empty, waiting for me. No one else wants to sit in the front seat. Although, I do miss her.

Gwen has been keeping her distance from me after our argument in class. She's been trying to spend more time with Duncan, never hanging out with anyone anymore.

Not that it's any of my concern.

I can't help but notice how people interact with me at school, especially the students in my grade. I've come to realize that I'm kind of on the outskirts of every friend group among the seniors. No one really includes me or actively seeks me out.

Before Duncan mentioned it, I had no idea, and sometimes I wish I could go back to that blissful ignorance. When I thought everyone liked me and considered us all friends. When I believed I was making a positive impact and making a difference.

But the freshman girls still want to hang out with me during lunch because I don't have anyone else. But it seems like they rely on me to boost their confidence about the choices they've made so far in life. Most of them will probably follow a similar path eventually.

Get a boyfriend.

Fall in love.


And I'll be all alone, with Duncan and his nonstop delinquency.

He's so annoying.

I can't seem to figure him out at all. He makes me uncomfortable, but at the same time, he makes me...happy?

I can't figure out Gwen's problem with me either. I'm well aware that she's still mad that Duncan is my partner instead of hers. Tough luck for her! She'll just have to come to terms with it.

He's all mine, and no one can take him away from me.

When Friday hits, it's like a breath of fresh air. I'm so excited to see my parents this weekend, not because I haven't seen them recently, but because my mom and I are planning to visit a history museum on Saturday. They have this amazing exhibit featuring an archaeologist whose work I really admire. Plus, I just need a break from campus. I'm already tired of being here, and there are still two weeks until winter break. I can't wait.

As I stroll down the hallway, making my way to my final class of the day, I suddenly catch the sound of someone clearing their throat from behind me.

"Hi, Courtney."

I spin around, and there before me is Scott Lantz, wearing a smile that stretches across his face.

He's a senior, too. Loud, smart, athletic, but unfortunately, a total jerk like most of the boys at this dumb school. He's got messy ginger hair, those dark blue eyes, and a very fit physique. Slightly attractive, if you ask me.

"Hey," I say with a slight grin, curious about why he's striking up a conversation with me.

We used to be tighter during our sophomore and junior years, when we had more classes together and saw each other all day long. But things took a turn when he got my friend Dawn expelled from school, and now we hardly talk at all.

"How are you doing?" he asks me.

"I'm doing well," I respond, giving a nod as I glance around the hallway. People pass by, their curious gazes catching on to us. "And how about you?"

"Good," he says with a relaxed smile. "So, I heard something interesting..."

"Is that right?"

"Yeah, the history museum this weekend."
He grins at me. He must be up to something.

I narrow my eyes. "Who told you that?"

He laughs and casually puts his hands in his front pockets. "Funny story; my mom actually mentioned it to me. Turns out, our parents invited each other over for dinner on Saturday night. Your mom mentioned to mine that you'd be coming along."

"Oh." I didn't know that his parents and mine were friends. But knowing my mom, she never says no to making new friends. She sees almost everyone as a potential business connection since she's a well-known lawyer.

"Sounds like a plan! It'll be nice to catch up, don't you agree?" He asks, walking alongside me as I start moving.

"For sure." I give Scott a brief smile, pausing by the door of my classroom. "I guess I'll catch you tomorrow then."

"Sounds like something to be excited about!" He grins at me with a big smile. "See you tomorrow, Courtney."

Scott swiftly walks away, disappearing into the bustling crowd, while I lean against the wall to avoid the rush of people heading to their final class.

"What was that all about?"

I look over, and there's Duncan, his face all scowly, staring in the direction Scott went.


"What did Scott want?"

"That's not your concern, Duncan."

I walk into the classroom with Duncan right behind me. "It's my concern when I know the dude's a thief."

I look back at him, taking a seat right next to him.

These past few days, we've just been living alongside each other, but right now, I'm feeling fired up. I'm ready to let him know exactly what's on my mind.

I plop my backpack down next to me, giving him a fierce look. "Mind your own business, Duncan. It's none of your concern."

"If he starts messing with your head, it's definitely gonna bother me."

"My head is already messed up because of you." I automatically grab my notebook and pencil. Duncan never opens up or shares anything with me. I could ask him a million questions, and he'd still stay silent. It's beyond frustrating.

He's so annoying. Saying Scott is a thief when they're not even friends. How would he even know?

"Well, then he'll just make your mental state worse," he fires back.

"How?" I'm really curious. "What could he possibly do to me that would be so terrible?"

"Wow, you're seriously not the smartest, are you?"

His words make me flinch. It's frustrating how he makes me feel awful for being kind. "I'd rather be slow than cynical like you."

Duncan laughs at my insult. "You really wanna know what Scott's been up to?"

"Sure," I smirk.

"He does this nice guy act to the girls. Acting all sweet and innocent, like he wouldn't hurt a fly. But here's the thing: He uses that wholesome facade to deceive an unsuspecting girl. And before she even realizes what's happening, she's left on her knees, desperately searching for her valuable belongings that Scott shamelessly stole and sold off," Duncan explains.

His words make me physically flinch. That sounds absolutely terrible.

"He actually sells them?" I whisper, not wanting anyone else to overhear me. It feels like too many people already pay attention to me and Duncan when we talk, and I have no idea why.

Duncan's face turns serious as he nods. "And then he goes even further by setting up the girls, making it look like their friends are to blame, which leads to a huge physical fight every time," he explains, his tone filled with concern.

A gasp leaves me. "So that's how Dawn got expelled!"

"Yeah. He did that to Anne-Maria too."

"That's just...awful," I murmur, my gaze fixed on my desk. Duncan's words keep echoing in my mind. I'm not sure if I should trust him, though. He tends to have a negative opinion of everyone. I've never heard about Scott doing anything like that before. I try to stay away from gossip, but I do catch snippets of information from time to time, and that particular story has never crossed my path.

"Be careful around him," Duncan warns, his voice filled with a sense of foreboding. "I've given you a heads up."

Right as the bell is about to ring, Mr. Todd enters the classroom and immediately starts taking attendance. Lost in my own thoughts, I can't help but feel frustrated that Duncan's words have spoiled my plans for a Saturday night dinner.

He's got a knack for it. Messing up everything in my life.

As Mr. Todd gives us the green light to resume working on our project with our partners, I can't help but notice Duncan sliding his desk and chair closer to mine, which catches me off guard. What's the reason behind his sudden proximity?

I'd prefer if he stayed at a distance too. It's just...uncomfortable having him so close, but not in a bad way. And that's not good.

"I've been giving some thought to what you said about Scott," I begin.


"I think you're lying."

He lets out a frustrated sigh. "Of course you think I'm lying."

"He doesn't strike me as the type."

"Isn't that how it always goes? 'Oh, he was so sweet. Who knew he was the escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook!?' The expression on Duncan's face almost cracks me up. "Come on, let's be realistic, Princess."

"I mean, if Scott was really doing that, don't you think other girls would've talked about it? Ones who've had their stuff sold by him, you know?" I cringe at the thought, and I can't help but imagine what I would do if it ever happened to me.

I'd be crushed.

"Do you honestly think any of them would actually bring it up? They'd rather pretend it never happened. And if they did say something, you'd probably give them a whole lecture about their poor decisions," Duncan remarks.

It's just so painful to hear because, sadly, what he's saying is absolutely right.

I've had my fair share of talks with girls who've made questionable choices. No wonder people see me as bitchy.

"I guess I should not do that," I confess.

Duncan leans in, his shoulder lightly touching mine, sending shivers down my spine. "What do you mean? Stop doing what?" he asks, his voice filled with curiosity.

"Always being so... bitchy," I say softly. I meet his gaze. "You were right. Everyone else who said that was too."

"Aww, looks like my princess is taking lessons from others," he says, reaching out to gently tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm so proud of you."

His touch makes my skin tingle, and I struggle to overcome this unfamiliar sensation. He shouldn't say things like that either.

I might end up getting too attached to him.

"Have you discovered anything new about yourself?" I ask with anticipation, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach caused by his touch.


I frown. "Okay."

His phone gets a notification, and he grabs it. I take this as a chance to get a good look at him, admiring his striking features. The defined jawline, the gentle lips, the prominent nose, the sculpted cheekbones, the thick eyebrows, and those captivating teal eyes. He's so...perfect.


"Courtney." Duncan's deep voice interrupts my thoughts, bringing my attention back to him. "So, what kind of things are you into?"

"Such a basic question."

He narrows his eyes. "Just wanna know you more."

I sigh. "I like history."

"What kind of history?"


His gaze flickers toward mine. "So you're into old shit and random artifacts from the 1800s? You're more boring than I thought." He chuckles.

His words sting a little bit.

Duncan notices I didn't appreciate his comment and stops laughing. "So you must like history museums, then?"

"Yes. I'm going to one Saturday."


"Well, when you're forced to go to all these historical museums your whole life, you begin to develop an appreciation for what you see. Eventually, the artifacts will start to speak to you. Suddenly, you find yourself with a long list of things you admire." I let out a sigh. "I fought against it at first. When I was younger, I never wanted to go to museums. I thought they were dull."

"When you're a kid, that's exactly what they seem like. So incredibly dull," he remarks.

"I really began to love it when I turned 11. Some artifacts just captured my heart." A smile creeps onto my face. "And there's this one piece I stumbled upon a few years back that became my ultimate favorite."

"What's it called?"

"No, it's nothing." I probably shouldn't have mentioned it. He wouldn't really care, you know? "Just a random piece that caught my eye."

"Come on, Court, please?" I shake my head.

"You'll find it boring."


Man, even though he sounds so done with me, it's when he says my name that I feel like I have to tell him. "So, there's this artifact that the French troops found in Egypt back in July 1799. It's a pretty cool find 'cause it's got inscriptions that helped scholars crack the code of mysterious hieroglyphs."

"What does it look like?"

I sit up straighter, excited to explain it. "It's a large slab made of black basalt. It's got inscriptions in three different scripts: Egyptian hieroglyphs, Demotic script, and Ancient Greek."

"And it's called?"

"The Rosetta Stone. Here, let me show you."

I quickly open Google, and in under a minute, I've got the picture of the Rosetta Stone right in front of me.

"Check it out." I hand my phone over to Duncan, and he takes it, carefully examining the piece for what feels like forever. "So, what do you think about it? Can you see all the inscriptions?"

"Uh huh," he says, squinting at the screen of my phone.

"It's so gorgeous," I say, my voice filled with longing and admiration. Whenever I start talking about my all-time favorite artifact, my voice takes on this wistful tone, like I'm lost in a dream.

Duncan hands my phone back to me. "Just like you."

A strange feeling courses through me, tingling in my veins, as I notice his intense focus on my lips. "Do you really think I'm gorgeous?" I ask, my curiosity piqued.

"Hasn't anyone ever said it to you before?" He asks.


He moves closer to me. His thumb gently presses against the corner of my lips, creating a lingering sensation. It's a delicate touch that sends shivers down my spine, making me tingle all over. And then, leaning in, he whispers softly in my ear:

"You look so breathtaking."

Born from Conflict -A Duncney FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now