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Grimauld Place 12
Islington, London, England
December 27, 1977

Pandora Lestrange
Lestrange Manor
Ottery Street, Otterton, Budleigh Salterton, England

Dear Pandora,

I am fully aware of the circumstances under which you and I said goodbye at the end of the semester. I would like to express my sincere apologies for my chilly and impolite demeanour. I hope you can forgive my attitude, seeing as how I was incredibly stressed out due to everything happening with my nephew.

I am not ignorant of the fact that I do not have the right to request any favours from you at this moment. But you are my best friend and the only one I can trust, at the time, on this. I have a plan. An idea, more likely. And I am going to need your help.

If you are willing to, meet me at midnight of New Year by the Lucky Cauldron.



Lestrange Manor
Ottery Street, Otterton, Budleigh Salterton, England
28 December, 1977

Regulus Arcturus Black
Grimmauld Place 12
Islington, London, England

Regulus Arcturus Black,

get rid of that formal manner of yours immediately. You are fully aware of how much I hate it when you do that! And don't be a moron. Of course and I don't hold everything that happened against you. Even though I can't say the same for Evan. But don't worry. He is just hurt. He doesn't want to lose you too. I hope you are good at your health. Both mentally and physically.

I'll meet you at New Year's at the Lucky Cauldron. And make sure that I will talk with my best friend and not the Black heir. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,


Regulus read Pandora's letter on the 30th of December. A smile tugged his lips. It was small, but it was still a smile. He knew he could depend on his friend for this. Of course, he wouldn't make her participate. What Regulus is about to do is very dangerous. So dangerous that only a madman would even think of planning it, how much acting on it. But Regulus doubted he had any sanity left in him anyway.

Regulus shakes his head. He is not gonna let his mind trail down that path. It is not now the time to go through his mental issues. He has work to get done. Too much work. Regulus wore his black leather coat and pulled the hood over his head. With quiet steps, he walked down the stairs and reached the passageway. He heard his mother and father laughing in the kitchen. They had guests over. Death Eaters the lot of them, Regulus bet. He had gotten away from this gathering by claiming sick. The paleness caused by his bad mental health paid off in the end. He opens the front door and disappears into the darkness of night.

As promised, Pandora walked into the Lucky Cauldron with a purple raincoat, ten minutes before midnight. Regulus spotted her in an instant. He walked over, grabbed her arm and dragged her outside "Too many ears here" he whispered.

They reached an isolated alley just a few blocks away. Regulus was constantly looking over his shoulder. Pandora got worried. She had never seen Regulus so jumpy and anxious in the past. Not even when he first got his Mark.

"Regulus, you are scaring me"

"Good, at least one of us is sane enough to be scared"

She raises an eyebrow "Aren't you scared? You are constantly looking over your shoulder. What is going on, Reg?"

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