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"Ughhh" said Lexi. "What's wrong now" said Pierson. "I've been searching for a job all day" said Lexi. Lexi closed the Front door behind her. "Lexi, don't stress, take a shower and Ill help you " said Pierson. "Okay" said Lexi. While Lexi was showering, Pierson went on the computer and looked for some jobs for Lexi. A few mins later, Lexi finished. She came out of the room. "Anything?" said Lexi as she sat next to Pierson. "Yea, okay, So there is this one company called "Empresa Davila"(Davila's Company) said Pierson. "Wait, do you think thats Andrew" said Lexi. "Cant be, there are many people with the last name Davila" said Pierson. "But Andrew always talked about opening a business too" said Pierson. "I'm sure its not him, plus didn't he say he wanted to open it in Texas?" said Pierson. "Thats true" said Lexi. "Soooo" said Pierson.  "Ig I'll call them" said Lexi. Lexi called the company. "Hi, is this "Empresa Davila" said Lexi. "Yes, how may I help you today" said the women. " I was wondering, if you had any postion opened up" said Lexi. "Actually, we have one more position opened up" said The women. "Okay great" said Lexi. "Uhm, can you come in on Thursday and be here for 3:45?" said The women. "Yes, thats great" said Lexi. "Okay then, have a great night" said The women. "you too" said Lexi. They ended the call. "OMGG" said Lexi. "AHHH" screamed Pierson. The next few days, Lexi was practicing her interview with Pierson. "Omg, your so gonna get this job" said Pierson. "omg, I hope so" said Lexi.

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