First day

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"SOO, how was it" asked Pierson. "It was good, I have so much to tell you" said Lexi.  "Tell me everything girly" said Pierson. "yess, I am js gonna shower real quick and you get the snacks and drinks ready" said Lexi. Pierson ordered starbucks, she got a bunch of cake pops and 2 drinks. While Lexi was showering, she couldn't stop thinking about Andrew for some reason. He looked better and more mature. Lexi finished. She told her everything. 

                             It was Monday and Lexi's first day of her job. Her job was pretty easy. She was Andrew's assistant and basically had to do everything he said. She got up early and went to the company. "woah miss lexi is very early" said Andrew. "Why so shocked" asked Lexi. "you were never early to anything when we were dating" said Andrew. They looked at each other. "well um, I will give you a tour and introduce you to our people" said Andrew. He showed Lexi everywhere.  "and this is just a room to play pool and over there is like a party room in case the company wants to have a party" explained Andrew. He took Lexi to an office. "This is your office, I will press a button to talk and u can press back the button if you have any questions, we can communicate through here" said Andrew. "okay" said Lexi. "Now, um, I gathered everyone in the meeting room, so you can meet them" said Andrew.  He took her to the meeting room and she saw Jeremy and waved. Andrews smile faded a bit. Jeremy waved back. "I see you already know Jeremy" said Andrew. "Yea we met each other when I came for my interview" said Lexi. "Hey, I'm Lexi.H" said Lexi.H. "I am liv" said Liv. "I am Dom" said Dom. "and we met, remember me, Jeremy" said Jeremy. "Hi guys, I am Lexi,nice to meet you, and yes I remember you jeremy" said Lexi. "Lexi and I knew each other in high school, but uh, make her feel welcome alr" said Andrew. "Okay, everyone, get to work" ordered Andrew. "Lexi, you understand everything, and remember where your office is" asked Andrew. "Yes Andrew, Ill see you around" replied Lexi. "Actually, lets give u an easy and first task" said Andrew. "okay what is it" asked Lexi. "Can you please get me a coffee and get yourself one too if you want, feel free to take whenever you want" said Andrew. "Oh and -" said Andrew, but Lexi interrupted and said "and No Sugar". Andrew looked at her. "Yea.., you remember" said Andrew. Lexi smiled and walked away. He looked at her and went to his office. A few minutes later, Lexi came in his office, with his coffee. "Thanks, taste perfect" said Andrew as he looked at her. Lexi smiled. "Anything else...sir" asked Lexi. Andrew was looking at her, and was thinking about how HOT she looked. Then a sentence came out of his mouth, "go to dinner with me". Lexis eye widen. "I mean um, I didnt mean, i meant-" said Andrew, but Lexi put her finger against his lips. "I'll go to dinner with you" she said. Andrew stopped talking. "Huh" said Andrew. "See you at 6?" said Lexi. "Yea" said Andrew. She removed her finger and walked out. 

                                         Lexi came home and saw Pierson. "Heyy girl, how was the first day of work" asked Pierson. "It was good, and very easy, I am getting dinner with Andrew tonight" replied Lexi. "Ooooo, so a date" said Pierson. "Its not a date, just getting dinner, I am sure it's about work stuff" said Lexi. "Is the other workers gonna be there" asked Pierson. "No, I dont think so" replied Lexi. "Definitely a date" said Pierson. Lexi playfully rolled her eyes.

                                                         Later on that day, Lexi got dressed for her dinner with Andrew. "Okay, bye Pierson, I will see you later" said Lexi. "Good luck on your date" said Pierson. Lexi playfully rolled her eyes and walked to the dinner. Andrew put his hand up, so she was see him. She saw him and walked over. "Hey" said Lexi. "Hey" replied Andrew. "How did you get here" asked Andrew. "Oh, I walked" said Lexi. "What, in this cold weather?!?" said Andrew. Lexi laughed a bit. "Yea" replied Lexi. "I would of sent my driver for you, if I had known" said Andrew. "Chill, it was only 10 minutes, plus you know how much I love to walk" said Lexi. "Finee, but don't say Chill, you know how much I hate it when you used to say it constantly" said Andrew. Lexi laughed. " I remember, you would get so mad" said Lexi. They both smiled. 


                                             "Andrew, it's okay, Chill" said Lexi. "Did you just tell me to Chill" said Andrew. "Oh shit" said Lexi in her mind. Andrew starts walking up to her and tickling her. "Andrew, stopppp" said Lexi as she's laughing. He continues tickling her, then stops. "Never tell me to chill, understood missy" said Andrew. "Yes boss" said Lexi and Andrews starts tickling her again and they are both laughing.  *end of flashback*

                                 Lexi and Andrew snap out of it. They continued to talk and have dinner. Andrew pays. "see your still a gentlemen" said Lexi. Andrew smiled. "Give me one second" said Andrew. Lexi nodded her head. He was on the phone talking. Lexi was looking at him as he talked on the phone.  "Okay Ben, so park at that address, got it?" said Andrew. "Yes" replied Ben. "Thanks, see you later" said Andrew and hung up. "Sorry bout, that" said Andrew.  "Its okay" said Lexi. "I will walk you home, there isn't good people out there" said Andrew. "I know how to defend myself, but okay" said Lexi. They walked and talked. "So, have u ever talked to anyone after our relationship" asked Lexi. "I am gonna be honest, ever since our relationship, I haven't dated or talked to anyone, I was focused on the business" replied Andrew. "Oh" said Lexi. "Yea, what about you" asked Andrew. "Same, I havent talked to anyone or dated anyone, but,I moved in with Pierson and I recently quit my job, so I was looking and found this"  said Lexi. "Anyone in mind though" asked Andrew. "I mean, kind of" said Lexi as she smiled. Andrew frowned a bit, but she didn't see. "What about you" asked Lexi. "Kinda" replied Andrew. She frowned a bit. "I am sure she likes you back" said Lexi, trying not to be sad. "I hope so, I am sure whoever you like also likes you back, I mean you were a great girlfriend."said Andrew. Lexi smiled a bit. "I hope so" said Lexi. "Well um, it was nice talking to you Andrew" said Lexi. "yea, you to, I will see you tomorrow?" said Andrew. "Yea, goodnight" said Lexi. "Goodnight" replied Andrew. Lexi locked her door. "Hey Ben" said Andrew. "Hey Randy" said Andrew and got in the car. He drove Andrew home and also went home. 

                                    "Hey, I am home" said Lexi a bit sadly. "Oooo, oh whats with the sad face" said Pierson. "Okay, I think I have caught feelings for Andrew, but he likes someone else" said Lexi. " Damn girl, you got lots of information in a day" said Pierson. Lexi smiled a bit. "Well, you never know if the girl he likes is you" said Pierson. "but, we are exes, and he wouldn't like me so fast" said Lexi. "I hate how I fall in love so quickly" said Lexi. "Wait, tell me everything about what happened at work today" said Pierson. Lexi explained what happend all day. "but what does that have anything to do with this" asked Lexi. "You know how you placed your finger against his lips" said Pierson. "yea?" said Lexi. "That was hot, do things like that, so that his feelings for you grow or he starts crushing on you, but I have a feeling he likes you" said Pierson. Lexi playfully rolled her eyes. "Okay, I am heading to bed, thanks for the talk, goodnight, love you" said Lexi. "Goodnight Lex, Love you you too" replied Pierson. 


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