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       The next day Andrew woke up to his assistant calling him. "Boss, apparently someone broke in and stole all your important files" said His assistant. She showed the cameras to Andrew and Lexi asked if she can zoom in closer. "That's f***ing Bobby" said Lexi. "Tell Esme to get my plane by tmr, we need to cut the trip short" said Andrew. They ended the call. "I'm sorry Lex, but I promise to make sure you're safe" said Andrew. Lexi kissed Andrew. "Dw Andrew" said Lexi.
        They arrived back and Lexi met her security guards Jenna and Donnie. They both introduced each other.
       That night Lexi made dinner. "You should be lucky a pregnant women can make you this good of a food" said Lexi a joke. Andrew choked. "I'm kidding " said Lexi. "Do you ever want kids tho" asked Lexi. "One day, just not now.. I'm not ready to share u with anyone yet" said Andrew. Lexi smiled and ate.
         The next day Lexi was talking with someone at work when Andrew walked in. "Andrew?" Asked Lexi in confusion. "This is my husband, Andrew, and Andrew this is Georgie Osborn" said Lexi. They shook hands. "Georgie do you mind giving Lexi and I a minute" asked Andrew. "No we weren't finished" said Lexi. "It's okay, I'm gonna go grab a coffee" said Georgie. Georgie left. "I tried emailing you but it bounced, why is your name Alexa Rivera and not Alexa Davila" asked Andrew. "Because..I would still like to have my own identity here" said Lexi. Andrew sighed. "Would you ever change your last name for me?" Asked Lexi. "If it meant a lot to you, then yes" said Andrew. "Then I will think about it" said Lexi. Andrew smiled and kissed Lexi. "I'll pick you up at 5" said Andrew. "I might not be done, my boss boss boss is kind of a pain in the a**" said Lexi. Andrew laughed as he left.

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