Wedding day

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Months past and it was finally Lexi and Andrew's wedding. Lexi walked down the aisle, with her dad by the side. John passed Lexi to Andrew and hugged them both. Lexi smiled. The priest began his stuff . "Do you Alexa Brook Rivera, Take David Andrew Davila to be your lawfully wedded husband" asked the Priest. "I do" said Lexi and looked at Andrew. "Do you David Andrew Davila take Alexa Brook Rivera to be your lawfully wedded wife" asked the Priest. "I do" said Andrew and looked at Lexi with a smile. " I pronounce you husband and wife now you may-" said the Priest. Before the priest could even finish Andrew pulled Lexi in for the longest kiss ever.
Lexi threw the bouquet and everyone ran away so Pierson can catch it. She was confused until she turned around and saw Brent on one knee. "Pierson, this year has been a wonderful year with you and we have made so many good memories that I will forever cherish and never want to lose, but most of all I don't wanna ever lose you, so Pierson, will you marry me and create more memories" asked Brent. Pierson had tears in her eyes. "Yes, yes Brent" said Pierson and kissed him. Everyone clapped for them.

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