Five: Awful People.

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A guy walked to his car, opening the boot, while two other guys carried a TV box...

"Thanks, guys." He said, climbing into his car.

He started the engine and was getting ready to drive off when a woman screamed.

"Ow! Oh, my leg, my leg." Lorraine said, lying on the ground at the back of his car. "I think it's broken."

"Oh, my God, where did you come from?"

"Sherman Oaks. Ow!" Lorraine shouted.

"No. No, I... I mean, are you okay?"

"You just hit me with your car! Of course I'm not okay. That's a really, really nice car. Is that a custom paint job? Oh, really hurts when I move my head. Is that normal? Ow!"

A few days later, Lorraine was sitting in her car with a neck brace, making a claim...

She takes it off and walks into a food court, grabbing a tray.

She put some ketchup in a small tub and placed it on the counter, knocking it off with her tray.

She walked across it, pretending to fall on the floor, and screamed.

She stood behind an old woman's car when she was suddenly hit by a van. The old woman reversed, hitting something.

Dispatch: "911. What's your emergency?"

Woman: "Dear Jesus, please send help! I think I killed her."

The fire truck arrived on the scene, and it beeped loudly, and the bystanders made a path.

"LAFD. Step aside, please." Bobby says.

Ashleigh and Bobby passed them.

"I didn't know what to do. I was afraid to move the car."

"You did the right thing. We'll take it from here." Bobby said.

"Do any of you have a pen? I've got a partial license plate. Somebody should write it down."

"Don't worry about the license plate, ma'am. It's right here on the back of the car." Eddie says.

"Not this car. The car that hit me."

"Uh, wait, this isn't the car that hit you?" Ashleigh asked.

"No, this is the car that ran me over. Better be insured."

"Let's just focus on getting you out of here first, ma'am." Bobby said.

Ashleigh bent down, looking under the car.

"I think there's enough room. We can slide a backboard under here and pull her out that way." Said Ashleigh.

"Okay, c... can you tell me your name?" Asked Eddie.


Athena, Chimney, and Hen walked over.

"Hey, wait. Don't we know you?" Hen asked, looking down at her.

"Uh, no, I don't... I don't... I don't think so."

"Last year, Hancock Park." Said Hen.

"That's right. I never forget a femur." Chimney said.

"It's the damned Porch Pirate. Guess you moved up from porches to parking lots, huh, Lorraine? What's your scam?" Athena asked, walking over to her, sitting on a bed.

Ashleigh and Hen looked her over.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I went to my court-mandated treatment, and I'm completely cured. Haven't stolen a package in months."

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