Seventeen: Careful What You Wish For.

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Outside a shop, there was a long line of people waiting to get their lottery tickets...

She walked out of the shop, unlocking her car.

"Please, God, just this one wish. Just this one." She says.

Suddenly, money began falling around her, and everyone began picking it up.

Paula screamed when a body hit her car.

Dispatch: "911. What's your emergency?"

Paula: "A man just jumped out of a building and landed on my car!"

Dispatch: "What's your location, ma'am?"

Paula: "On the corner of Fourth and Main... wait a minute... oh, my God! He's alive! He's alive!"

Athena was already on the scene, and she saw the 118 arrive...

"Barry Johnson, 57. Seems to have had some kind of existential crisis after lunch. Threw all his money off the roof and then decided to jump after it. Falls 20 stories and lives." Athena said, walking beside Ashleigh.

"20 stories? How's that even possible?" Buck asked.

"We've also got a few greedy bystanders with minor injuries. Not sure how you want to handle those." Said Athena.

"Well, Athena, that's up to the cap." Ashleigh said, rolling her eyes and walking away.

"Ooh, she doesn't seem too happy about that." Athena mumbled.

Chimney climbed out of the car.

"Oh, sorry, I meant interim cap. This is just completely temporary until we get our real cap back, and that's Bobby!" Ashleigh shouted.

"You keep telling yourself that, Ash." Chimney tells her.

"I do! No freaking way you're staying cap; you're head's big enough, thank you." Said Ashleigh.

The firefighters and Athena shared a look. Barry groaned.

"Whoa. I'll take spinal precaution." Chimney said.

"I got it. Hen and myself are the paramedics. You go see the minor injuries." Ashleigh tells him.

"Right, I'm the captain, Baby Gilbert." Chimney says.

"And you're not a very good one. Give them their orders. Just go away. Hen, you're with me." Said Ashleigh.

"All right, Barry, I'm gonna give you something for the pain. It'll take the edge off, but you're probably still gonna feel this." Hen says.

"Can't you just knock me out?" Asked Barry.

"Sorry. I need you to stay with us. Compound fracture, both legs. Hasn't lost bowel control." Said Ashleigh.

"At least I've got that going for me." Barry says.

"These are all positives, Barry. Means your spine's probably okay." Ashleigh says, walking over to Paula. "Ma'am, you said you saw him fall?"

"Yeah." Paula tells her.

"How did he land?" Ashleigh asked.

"Feet first." Paula says.

"Couldn't even do this right. This morphine's nice, though." Barry tells them.

Hen and Eddie wheeled Barry towards the ambulance.

"You have anyone you want us to call?" Asked Hen.

"My wife left me. My kids hate me. My only friend is suing me. Next time, I go head first." Barry tells them.

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